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Messages - theta_wave

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General Discussions / Re: GUI changes for v3.0
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:55:50 AM »
This has been requested a few times so i have updated the Album and Tracks layout to allow persisting of no fields to the right/ under the picture. Its done for the next update
Thanks, I just tested the latest build and if the "fields displayed" is left blank, it stays blank.  Thanks!

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: "Auto size all columns" automatically?
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:24:22 AM »
+1 for adding a permanent auto-size-column option. It's annoying to click on it over and over whenever displayed fields are adjusted. As discussed above, this could be given as an option like the following mockup:

But how to handle existing nodes (filter, playlists) with fixed-width columns?

My suggestion is whenever node changes the auto-size selection defaults to "one time." But if the user chooses to tick "always," the node is remembered as having auto-sized columns. So when the node is revisited later, the selection will be "always".
+1 on this idea.  I'm getting tired of right clicking "Auto Size All Columns" over and over again.  It would be nice to have "Auto Size All Columns" as a bindable hotkey.

Tips and Tricks / Re: How to use the sub-grouping header
« on: January 21, 2016, 03:52:06 AM »
Wrt to your sub-grouping post, one would have to make additional tags (i.e. <Set Subtitle>).  Since I didn't feel like adding new tags and luckily my tags are pretty good already, I felt that there should be another way.  My classical title tags are already in a "Piece: Movement" (e.g. "Symphony No.41 in C Major ("Jupiter"), K.551: IV. Allegro molto").  So, I decided to use the $split function and here are the results:

<Classical Works> [sub-grouping header]
$If($Contains(<Title>,": ")="F","    —","• "$Split(<Title>,": ",1)" •")

<Movement> [Title]
$If($Contains(<Title>,": ")="F",<Title>,$Split(<Title>,": ",2))

<Works> (for the column browser if one has a classical-heavy collection)
$If($Contains(<Title>,": ")="F",,$Split(<Title>,": ",1))

Questions / Re: Ripping Difficulties and Library Size
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:12:37 AM »
Ran into an issue where the system hangs up while ripping and does not seem to respond.  Has anyone else experienced this and if so what was your solution?  Also, what is the max size limit for the library?
My library has ~170,000 tracks and MB is amazingly fast.  Mediamonkey is slowing down and its database file weighs in at a whopping 1.7GB.  In contrast, MB is just fast as mpd (linux) (read: it's freakin' fast) and its database file is 290MB!  As for ripping freezing, sorry I can't help you there.  I've been using exactaudiocopy for years and I guess I like to stick with something I'm familiar with.

Confirm that issue is fixed in 3.0.5863.

General Discussions / Re: GUI changes for v3.0
« on: January 20, 2016, 07:39:02 PM »
Under views configuration, I noticed that selecting the blank field under "fields displayed" isn't permanent (see red arrow in the first pic) after saving a particular custom view.  When MB is reloaded, the "fields displayed" returns to whatever is under the "grouping header".  The second pic is shows the effect of this behavior.  Having a blank virtualtag works, but the albumart doesn't align nicely when "display first few tracks only" is checked.

I had the same question and was told to try the newest version, which obviously didn't help. I ended up placing the [year] below the artwork and [album duration] on the right-side header.

here's a link to that thread:
Yeah, a blank virtualtag kind of works, but it adds an empty row rather than voiding the space leading to the alignment to look a little off.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Getting crazy with dates (regex)
« on: January 20, 2016, 09:19:10 AM »
God I'm dumb, here's a much better code for those having <Year> and <Month.Day> fields (the latter being <DateCustom> below):

$IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year>,$If(<DateCustom>="00.00",<Year>,$If($Right(<DateCustom>,2)="00",$Date(<Year>/$Split(<DateCustom>,.,1),MMM yyyy),$Date(<Year>/$Left(<DateCustom>,2)/$Right(<DateCustom>,2),MMM d"," yyyy))))

Questions / Is it possible to insert a dummy/NULL field? [v3.0.5862]
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:40:22 AM »
I'm looking for a workaround shown here.  Something akin to a null field is ideal.  I already have a <Blank> virtual field but it simply adds a blank row rather than nothing.

Here's my working function:

$IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>="00.00",<Year>,$If($IsMatch(<DateRaw>,"^[\d]{6}$")="T", $Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM yyyy), $Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateRaw>,4),2)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM d"," yyyy))))

Upon restarting, it doesn't work anymore because it turns into the following:

$IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>=00.00,<Year>,$If($IsMatch(<DateRaw>,^[\d]{6}"$")="T"," "$Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM yyyy)," "$Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateRaw>,4),2)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM d, yyyy))))

EDIT:  Actually, the function is validated, applied and then saved.  The dates show up accordingly.  When I go back to the tag customization menu, there's an exclamation mark next to this virtualtag indicating the bolded changes above rendering it non-functional.

Questions / Re: Switching from Media Monkey
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:53:13 AM »
I was in the same shoes as you last week.  I've been using MM for over ten years but MB, so far, has been awesome (a lot of ways to customize).  The pic below contains Mediamonkey's custom tag fields that you would probably like to sync.  MB transferred ratings and all of the custom tags (provided you follow what is seen below).  The only thing that MB did not sync were playcounts.  Luckily, I always scrobbled my plays through and MB's playcount sync is far better than MM's addon (the latter gave me wildly high playcounts on many tracks; luckily I backed up mm.db before initiating it).

Remember for mp3's, MM's custom fields are COMM/Songs-DB_Custom# (this was a typo in MM's tag chart:  I would first enter in the data for custom fields as shown in my pic below and then import a directory or two and see if the tags and ratings imported correctly.  After that, import the rest.

My MM.db is 1.7GB and MB's db is only 300MB!

EDIT: I forgot to add that your initial testing should include albums containing tags you want to import.  Highlight a song, shift+enter (or right click > edit) and hit tag inspector (red arrow: see below) to see how the tags are formatted (pay attention to the tag code).  Afterwards, you can create custom tags and those values will be imported in short order.  When you write into those tags in MB, they will show up in Mediamonkey too!

Tips and Tricks / Re: Getting crazy with dates (regex)
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:26:24 AM »
I hope someone here finds this useful.
I certainly did!
Thanks heaps :)
No problem, your examples certainly showed me the way.  To be honest, this started out as a help thread because I was stuck until I noticed the availability of a function incorporating regex.  Also, I started really using MB last weekend, rather than tinkering with it briefly like in the past, and I knew next to nothing how functions work here, but from your thread and the wiki I started to think about what Steven was saying and your mentioning of $Date's inability to handle double zeroes.  It is really awesome how flexible MusicBee is when it comes to customizing how one wants their collection presented. 

Your code looks much nicer than the behemoth that you provided to me in your thread ;)  Good call on using MMM rather than MMMM.

Oh yeah, I had to make a slight correction below (bolded).  I noticed how a few dates were not showing up on my end.  That may or may not be applicable to everyone else but in the end I thought adding it might be helpful.  Cheers!

DateFormat: $IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>="00.00",<Year>,$If($IsMatch(<DateTest>,"^[\d]{6}$")="T",$Date($Left(<DateTest>,4)/$Right(<DateTest>,2),MMMM yyyy),$Date($Left(<DateTest>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateTest>,4),2)/$Right(<DateTest>,2),MMMM d"," yyyy))))

Tips and Tricks / Getting crazy with dates (regex)
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:07:10 AM »
So, I wanted to try to get fancy with my dates, namely wanting to make it display as either "MMMM D, YYYY", "MMMM YYYY" or "YYYY".  In my setup,  <Year> is stored as 4-digit value and the month and year are stored in another tag (<DateCustom>) as "".  I used <DateCustom> for creating folder names and sorting under Mediamonkey.  Using the virtualtag <DateTest> below, I get the following result: YYYY, 6-digit YYYYMM, or 8-digit YYYYMMDD.  The reason why there's a 6-digit and 8-digit result is due to $Date returning a null result when faced with "00" (Y2K holdover?).  So, here's the virtualtags:

DateTest: $IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>=00.00,<Year (yyyy)>,$If($Right(<DateCustom>,2)=00,<Year (yyyy)>$Left(<DateCustom>,2),<Year (yyyy)>$Replace(<DateCustom>,.,))))

For $Date, I used the following:
* 8-digit YYYYMMDD: $Date($Left(<DateTest>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateTest>,4),2)/$Right(<DateTest>,2),MMMM d"," yyyy)
* 6-digit YYYYMM: $Date($Left(<DateTest>,4)/$Right(<DateTest>,2),MMMM yyyy)

Everything works so far, but the difficulty is finding a way to have the parser recognize the 6-digit and 8-digit strings and apply the appropriate function.  Ideally, I would use regex (^[\d]{6}$ or ^[\d]{8}$) to sniff out those values (basically a search for 6- or 8-length digits), but it would only return T or F as values.  Well, here comes $If(value,false,true) function to the rescue!

Here is how I manage to get the date to show up as either "YYYY", "MMMM YYYY" or "MMMM d, YYYY" as seen in the attached pic below:

DateFormat: $IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If($IsMatch(<DateTest>,"^[\d]{6}$")=T, $Date($Left(<DateTest>,4)/$Right(<DateTest>,2),MMMM yyyy), $Date($Left(<DateTest>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateTest>,4),2)/$Right(<DateTest>,2),MMMM d"," yyyy)))

I hope someone here finds this useful.

Here's an extra bit of code if someone simply wants M/d/YYYY (derived from <DateCustom> =, including "month.00" [i.e. 07.00])
ReleaseDate: $IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>=00.00,<Year (yyyy)>,$If($Right(<DateCustom>,2)=00,$If($Left(<DateCustom>,1)=0,$Right($Left(<DateCustom>,2),1)/<Year (yyyy)>,$Left(<DateCustom>,2)/<Year (yyyy)>),$Replace($Replace(<DateCustom>,0,),.,/)/<Year (yyyy)>)))

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: sub-group when list expanded
« on: January 19, 2016, 11:00:33 PM »
+1 on this; it would make the album+details look cleaner when subgroup headers are allowed in expandable playlists.

I have made a small tweak for the next v3 update so that the row span setting for a field now becomes a maximum rather than a fixed number eg. if you set the row span to 5 and the field only takes 2 rows to fully display, then only 2 rows are used and the following field displays immediately following that.
This is fabulous!!!  I set the comment row span for 99 and had a 5 line comment.  It showed with no blank space under the 5th comment line.

I one-upped you on that and set it to 900 (tbh, the most is probably 500 on a few albums due to the time I included reviews in <comment>) and it works perfectly.  I feel this really works best for classical albums and their sometimes long titles (i.e. Debussy titles such as "Jeux: On aperçoit le jeune homme au fond, à gauche, qui semble se cacher; il les suit dans leurs mouvements, à travers les branches; il s’arrête en face d’elles. Elles commencent par vouloir fuir, mais il les ramène doucement, et leur fait une nouvelle invitation. Il commense à danser. La première jeune fille court vers lui. –").  Thanks a lot Steve!

Not what is being asked for but i think its relevant and probably "does the job".
Seems like a pretty creative solution.  And I'm pretty sure it will work well for my needs.  Which is nowhere near 99 lines, but just out of curiosity, for the OP, will it work with the row span set to 99 and only four are used?

Thanks Steven.
It sounds pretty good and in theory it should work no matter what maximum is set.  Thanks Steve, I'm looking forward to testing it out.

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