Author Topic: [FIXED] [3.0.5862] "^[Regex]$" -> ^[Regex]"$" function fails upon restart  (Read 2264 times)


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Here's my working function:

$IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>="00.00",<Year>,$If($IsMatch(<DateRaw>,"^[\d]{6}$")="T", $Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM yyyy), $Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateRaw>,4),2)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM d"," yyyy))))

Upon restarting, it doesn't work anymore because it turns into the following:

$IsNull(<DateCustom>,<Year (yyyy)>,$If(<DateCustom>=00.00,<Year>,$If($IsMatch(<DateRaw>,^[\d]{6}"$")="T"," "$Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM yyyy)," "$Date($Left(<DateRaw>,4)/$Left($Right(<DateRaw>,4),2)/$Right(<DateRaw>,2),MMM d, yyyy))))

EDIT:  Actually, the function is validated, applied and then saved.  The dates show up accordingly.  When I go back to the tag customization menu, there's an exclamation mark next to this virtualtag indicating the bolded changes above rendering it non-functional.
Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 12:19:56 AM by ssri


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