Author Topic: Subsonic Client  (Read 152591 times)


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Sometimes my playlists show under the SubSonic node along with the Music, and sometimes only Music shows.

Album art and the number of tracks is not showing when in Artwork View and clicking on an Artist in the left panel under SusSonic\Music:

Yet the tracks are there:
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Thanks for the feedback!
I will look into the items mentioned and get back to you.


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Yesterday I was trying out the newly updated SusSonic plugin and found that its behavior (for me) was exactly the same as the original plugin.  I was looking at my Error Log today and noticed this:
2/16/2016 2:35:09 PM - 6.1.7601.65536 - 3.0.5889.40450 - System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at MusicBeePlugin.Plugin.SaveSettings()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at MusicBee.Plugin.#=qKn4V5ubE1pkq3m2JNbPLvA==()
It appears to be a plugin error, but I can't take it any further than that.  As a guess could this be because the original plugin had a .config file while the new one does not?
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
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Thanks for the report.

For now, it's normal that the behavior is the same as the older version, as the code was ported from there. The expectation was actually just this: to work the same way the previous one did, for this version.

The aim was to have a basis to work on, in the language I'm most comfortable with (that's C#, so I ported the code from VB.NET).

From now on, we can work on improvements and fixes - such as the problems mentioned above.

I already implemented something that was bugging me for a while with the old plugin, namely a more secure way of authenticating. The previous version would send off your username/password as plaintext to the server, as part of the URL. Now a unique, one-way token is generated and sent every time you need something from the server... (Edit: this is not in the release version yet, it was just implemented in the code yesterday night).

I haven't seen the Exception message you got in my tests, could you please provide some more details on the steps you take to reproduce this?
(Edit 2: The .config file should not be necessary for this version, if you still have the previous one there please try removing it as it may cause problems)
Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 07:45:28 AM by MiDWaN


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Understood now that this version has no changes from the original.

As for the error, it was not a popup error.  I had been trying various things with SubSonic around the time of the error, but only saw it in the log on the following day.  I posted it because it -may- have something to do with SubSonic, but I can't tell.

The old .config file had already been renamed and could not be the cause of the error.

I wiil wait until some improvements are made before trying again.
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
Unzip into your MusicBee directory and overwrite existing files.

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Hi all,

I've decided to release a first "stable" version of the plugin, after the following changes:
- Ported to C# from the VB.NET version of Steven Mayall.
- Changed authentication method from plaintext to one-way token for security.
- Minor code improvements for size, speed and efficiency.
- Bumped version to 2.0 to avoid any collisions with the older version.

As you can see, most of the functionality has remained "as-is" for this release. One important new feature however is the authentication method, which is now more secure - the previous version would send your password in plaintext in the URL, that is no longer the case.

I was thinking about moving to a new topic in the future, what do you think about that? Should we stay on this one where all the older problems are mentioned also, or start clean?

I will look into uploading the plugin to MusicBee's "Plugins" section as well - not sure on the process for that yet. :)

Meanwhile, here's the binary if anyone wants it:

Have fun!


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I was thinking about moving to a new topic in the future, what do you think about that? Should we stay on this one where all the older problems are mentioned also, or start clean?
I think the thread should remain here.  Seeing as how this version of the plugin has evolved from the original, there's no point in having two SubSonic plugin threads.  Especially since  the original plugin is no longer supported, it would only confuse users if two threads existed.
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
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Ok, I have no problem with that. I've updated the Wiki page to link to the new version as well.


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New version is out!

Version 2.1 adds several security improvements, and fixes some minor bugs.

This version adds several security improvements, besides fixing some bugs:
- Added HTTPS support for connecting to servers configured accordingly.
- The configuration file is now encrypted. Please note that this will make your existing configuration file invalid (you will need to enter your server details again).
- Fixed a bug while fetching tags from the server.
- Fixed a potential crash if the cache file would exist, but was empty.
- Minor corrections.

now that the security concerns are (mostly) addressed, I can start looking into the bugs mentioned above. :)

Edit: You can get it from here:
or the official Plugin page
Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 05:22:49 PM by MiDWaN


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Can you please post a link for the 2.1 download?
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
Unzip into your MusicBee directory and overwrite existing files.

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I've edited my post above to include the links.

I also make sure to keep the official plugin page updated with new (stable) releases as they come along, so people won't have to rely on the last post of this thread to find it. :)
Maybe a good idea would be to add a "check for updates" function in the plugin itself, only enabled with a certain checkbox in the Options.


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"Sometimes my playlists show under the SubSonic node along with the Music, and sometimes only Music shows."

This seems to be a bug in MB 3, in my tests it seems to work under 2.5.
In MB3, the "GetPlaylists" function is called when you Refresh the server. However, once you click on a Playlist it does not call the "GetPlaylistFiles" function as it should, and so the contents show up as empty.

In MB2.5 it does seem to work as expected, at least in my tests.


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Sometimes my playlists show under the SubSonic node along with the Music, and sometimes only Music shows.
thats a bug on the MB side and fixed for the next v3 update


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Sometimes my playlists show under the SubSonic node along with the Music, and sometimes only Music shows.
thats a bug on the MB side and fixed for the next v3 update
This still happens to me with MB 3.0.5902 and SubSonic 2.1.  "Music" shows -below- the playlists and is indented the same amount as if it is one of the playlists.  Expanding it, or clicking on it, shows all my tracks.  Clicking on "SubSonic" in the computer node also shows all tracks.
However, if I click on -any- playlist, the status bar shows "Unable to access: Subsonic:\xxx  where xxx is three numbers in the 300-400 range that are different with each playlist.
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
Unzip into your MusicBee directory and overwrite existing files.

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Really excited that you picked this up MiDWaN. Thanks for putting your free time into it.

I have a Subsonic server set up and Musicbee is connected to it via the Subsonic plugin. When I click on the yellow submarine in the  computer node, I see nothing in the tracklist. When I click on my music folder named 'Music" which is one level beneath the yellow submarine, I also see nothing in the tracklist. However, when I click on an artist's folder a level beneath the "Music" folder I can finally see the songs in the tracklist. I would really like to be able to view all the songs in the Subsonic share, and any folders within the share, in one Musicbee tab. Is this a known bug or just something that is unsupported at the moment but with plans to be integrated?
Also, I have a custom URL setup for subsonic, it's However, when I try and use this with the plugin it tells me it failed to connect to the remote server. I'm inputting just "" as per your instructions. Using localhost works, though. Any ideas?

Lastly, I want to use the Subsonic share that's on the network as my monitored folder in Musicbee rather than the same folder on my local drive. (I'm planning on moving this folder to a dedicated music server). This way I can set up my Musicbee so that my library is just what folders I have in my Subsonic music folder  Will I lose any functionality here if I do this? By doing this I'd be basically virtualizing the music library so that I can access/edit it from anywhere with a MB install and the Musicbee Subsonic plugin configured to my server.

Thanks for your time and help!
Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 01:28:45 AM by minotza