Author Topic: Artist Pictures  (Read 347 times)


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Is it possible to show artist pictures ONLY for custom images, which you manually placed in MusicBee\AppData\InternalCache\ArtistThumbs\? So by default player shows album covers as artist pictures, but if images are present in the folder above then it shows them instead. I am asking coz in my case player incorrectly matches artists (i suppose it matches them with spotify?) and downloads wrong artist pictures, so i would prefer to use custom images for certain artists, but in the same time displaying album covers for all others.

In short:
- dont retrieve artist pictures from web
- if images are present in ArtistThumbs, show them
- show album covers as artist pictures by default

Also a question - what album cover is taken for artist as artist picture? Just alphabetically? Is it possible for example to use cover from the album where maximum tracks from this artist are present or from album where tracks have longest duration?


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Hi there,

Is it possible to show artist pictures ONLY for custom images, which you manually placed in MusicBee\AppData\InternalCache\ArtistThumbs\?
Yeah it is to some extent, but it will require a bit of manual labour.
Take a look here:

Btw, you shouldn't really be placing those artist thumbs in the internal cache folder.
The correct place to do that is the "Thumb" subfolder located in the location specified in Preferences > Tags (1) > artist pictures location

Also a question - what album cover is taken for artist as artist picture? Just alphabetically?
Is it possible for example to use cover from the album where maximum tracks from this artist are present or from album where tracks have longest duration?
From the looks of it, MusicBee seems to be using the artwork from the album which was first added.
Getting it to work any other way would need to be requested in the wishlist board.
The source code to any of my contributions is available on the same download link as the add-ons