Author Topic: How to create a custom tag  (Read 8513 times)


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MusicBee has the most commonly used tags available out-of-the box.
But there may be tags that you would like to use that are not available by default.

You can use MusicBee's 'Custom Tag' feature to create such a new tag.
At this moment of writing there are no less than 16 of those available.

The first option is to use a tag that is available from the drop-down list under Preferences > Tags (1) > custom tags > 'save to music file as tag':

These are tags that adhere to some broader agreed-on tagging consensus and have a good chance of also being used by other software.

After you have selected one of them, you can choose the 'display name' for how you want the tag to be displayed in MusicBee.
Often the same name as the originating tag will be used, but you are free to name it anything you like and decide on your own purpose for it.
You could e.g. use the 'Location' tag, but name it 'Language', or 'Venue' or 'Country':

From then on, you have the tag 'Country' available for displaying, filtering, playlists, etc.
(as you can check using e.g. MusicBee's Tag Inspector, it will actually use and write the 'location' tag frame)


The second option is when you want to create a custom tag that is not to be based on a tag from the drop-down list.

Suppose you want to have a tag named 'Subgenre':

Open Preferences > Tags (1) > custom tags > define new tags

Type the name of your tag in the 'identifier' field.
Then press [Tab] on your keyboard so that the fields for the various tagging formats are auto-populated with that name.

Note: If you also use other software that you want this tag to be compatible with, make sure the tag name for the different
formats are identical to, and aligned with how any of your other tagging tools or devices write and reads them.

'Save' will bring you back to the previous screen.

Choose a free custom tag slot, and then in the 'display name' field enter the name of the tag as you want it to show in MusicBee, and in the 'save to music file as tag' drop-down, select the tag that you have just created and want it to link to.

Press 'Save' again, and that's it.
You now have this 'Subgenre' tag available for any desired purposes.
Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 06:41:38 PM by hiccup
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