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Topics - kamizon

Pages: 1
Questions / [Solved] MusicBee doesn't play AAC encodes
« on: September 03, 2018, 05:54:14 PM »

I'm using a trimmed version of the Windows that had Media foundation removed. Whenever I play iTunes songs I get an error "Unable to play this file - it has unsupported format or is corrupted"  I'm guessing Musicbee uses media foundation to decode AAC but that's not an option for me anymore so is there any other workaround ?

Thanks for the kind help.

MusicBee Wishlist / UI Lockdown
« on: September 01, 2018, 02:59:30 PM »

It would be awesome if there's an option to lock down the UI which prevents Musicbee from being resized so that it could hold it's window position (size of the player).


Questions / Incorrect rendering of UI & Artworks
« on: August 30, 2018, 09:21:20 AM »

I just noticed that Musicbee ain't rendering the Artworks and UI properly. The Artworks in the main window appear to be trimmed  in half and stretched vertically (like movie posters). The player control buttons/ Icons on the header including navigation icons are smaller and off too. Caption buttons appear to be misplaced too.

I've been using Musicbee for over a year now, never saw this happening before. I did an update to 3.2.6760 a few days back so I thought might be causing some problem so I downgraded to version 3.1.6590 but to no avail. I also changed themes, removed settings in Userprofiles but no matter what I do, it just doesn't go away.

It has ruined my Musicbee experience, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading.

Hi guys
I've noticed that if you single click album cover in the main panel, it shows expanded panel, that's alright. When you double click the album cover it plays the album but also shows the expanded panel which is weird because if user wants to play an album with the double click, there's no point in showing the expanded panel, which in turn requires one more click to disappear.

Wouldn't it be better if single click shows the expanded panel and double click plays the album without showing the expanded panel ?

Thoughts ?

Questions / [Solved] Playlists always open in a new tab?
« on: March 09, 2017, 05:57:02 PM »
I've noticed this weird thing that whenever I click on a playlist in the playlist explorer, it always opens in a new tab. It's happening ever since I updated to 3.1, is it a bug? How can I make them open in their own tabs respectively?

Any ideas?

Bug Reports / VST plugin is broken
« on: March 03, 2017, 04:17:14 PM »

I installed Musicbee for the first time a few days ago, everything went smooth except that it did not detect my VST plugins and as suggested by others in the plugins thread, I'm not the only one having this issue. Today I made a fresh install on my office PC, with the same results.

Plugins are all 32 bits and I've tried all things like starting the app elevated and changing the path of the VST plugins etc but no success.

Any help around this?

Questions / A few new user question
« on: March 02, 2017, 12:19:25 PM »
I figured out most of the things searching the forums just a couple of questions. I've added my music folder to the library, the playlist "Recently Added" is showing the items added in the last 15 days, how can I change the criteria to display the latest 20 items regardless of the addition date? and replace the oldest added with the latest added keeping the total number of items in the playlist 20.

Thanks in advance.

Pages: 1