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Messages - eobet

Pages: 12 3
Bug Reports / Crash with RME-ADI 2 Pro
« on: March 11, 2024, 04:41:58 PM »
I switched from AIMP to MusicBee because AIMP was a bit unstable, but now (after a week or so) I had my first issue with MusicBee as well.

Is it the RME-ADI 2 Pro drivers, I wonder? They are a bit strange (being reported multiple times in Windows, which is probably for different configurations, but still).

MusicBee v3.5.8698.34385P  (Win10.0), 11 Mar 2024 16:39:

System.IO.IOException: A device which does not exist was specified.

   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.FileStream.WriteCore(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   at System.IO.FileStream.FlushWrite(Boolean calledFromFinalizer)
   at System.IO.FileStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
   at System.IO.FileStream.Finalize()

I just had this in Windows 10. I followed the instructions and noticed that no files were overwritten. Why isn't the missing .dll included with MusicBee so people don't have to experience the problem and ask about this here, if it happens so often?

EDIT: No wait, either 44.1khz sounds terrible or 96khz sounds terrible and I have M4A files using both. I downloaded bass_alac.dll from that site's main releases too (again didn't overwrite anything) and the speed is all wrong...

EDIT: Had to completely delete the files of the portable MusicBee I had installed and start over. I wonder if there was an issue with the version the developer gave me which was supposed to patch an issue I had. Well, that issue was minor compared to not being able to listen to all my files!

Fantastic, thank you for the quick fix! It works as expected now. :-*

I have finally been able to put MusicBee in track mode. However:

1. I have a fully locked tab open with a list of tracks
2. I type a word to search for in the top right search box
3. On one of the results, I right-click and do a search for artist
4. A new tab pops open listing all songs for that artist ALSO matching that word

Now, the above would be fine if the word I typed would still be visible in the search box so I could clear it and view all songs by that artist, but I can't. The search box appears and behaves as if nothing was searched for, and the tab title does the same (a title, btw, which resets to just a generic "search result" when you switch away from it and back after a few times).

Questions / Re: MB won't update ratings tag in .flac files
« on: March 04, 2024, 11:36:28 AM »
Did you find out your issue?

Similarly, I see that MB won't save ratings to ALAC files (but will for MP3)...

Questions / Show progress bar as "volume chart"?
« on: March 04, 2024, 08:06:16 AM »
Sorry, I don't know the correct name for it, but I want to switch the progress ar line to whatever this skin uses:

I read here, but can't see what I'm looking for:

EDIT: I see that this skin even has it in the track information... so it is a plug-in? Where can I find information about it?

i am not able to reproduce this so could you send a link to your settings file (help/ support/ view settings)

Here's a link to the settings file:

But I was finally told how to switch the player from album focus to track focus, so I'm only using those tabs now fully locked and I'm quite happy! The music explorer tab was the only one which apparently was this jumpy.

Questions / Re: Switch MusicBee UI focus from albums to songs?
« on: March 03, 2024, 11:21:30 AM »
The left sidebar might be hidden, try going to Preferences > Layout (1) > Arrange Panels, and set left sidebar to "show"

That was apparently the case, thanks again! (It's rather confusing that there's more than one left panel... that slideover panel which populates a new tab should never be allowed to be hidden upon tab creation, imo.)

Thank you for the tips!

Questions / Re: Switch MusicBee UI focus from albums to songs?
« on: March 02, 2024, 12:37:11 PM »
Here's a quick recording showing what you're looking and the other available views:

Thank you so much! I would not have figured it out without this help.  :-*

(Similarly, when I hit + on a tab, I'm still not able to figure out how to add anything to that empty page, even using the "configure layout" button. But hopefully there's Youtube videos to find because even though people seem to want wikis, when there's complicated procedures to go through to accomplish anything, a video helps a lot in this instance!)

I'm beginning to explore the possibilities with MusicBee customization and a few thing confuse me:

In the below picture:

1. The artist name in the track information panel has a checkbox to automatically link to a list of all tracks by that artist, but I can't find a similar option for the main player controls along the bottom. Is there one?
2. In the track properties of the track information panel, you can see that it says "MP3", but in the main player controls when I add the "kind" tag, it says "MPEG audio file" and I could not find a tag which said MP3. Did I miss one?
3. Are there formatting tags apart from color and font? Like, centered, right-adjust or just some tab spacing?

Questions / Re: Sample rate confusion for new user
« on: March 01, 2024, 08:13:57 PM »
As that other user posted "I would never have figured that out myself" demonstrates that this is a UX issue. Perhaps settings which change/fix sample rates should be clearly grouped and labelled in the UI?

Questions / Re: Switch MusicBee UI focus from albums to songs?
« on: March 01, 2024, 08:11:42 PM »
Thank you for the tip! Unfortunately, I can only further show you how thick I am...

See the Swedish åäö in MusicBee, compared to Affinity Designer:

The font is Roboto Condensed, available from here:

Questions / Re: Replace album count with song count
« on: March 01, 2024, 11:32:45 AM »
Oh, I just discovered something which actually affects my UX rather than just the visuals... when I click on an artist, I get a page with "albums & stats" "more albums"   ;D   "profile" "similar artists"...

but not "songs"? like, there's no straight up flat list of songs on the artist page?  :o

I managed to find a place to change "album" & "year" columns to "title" & "year" but that still only displays one thumbnail per album and now it says the first song on that album instead and I still don't have a list of just all songs for that artist in a single column...

Pages: 12 3