Author Topic: Northern Lights  (Read 30202 times)

Big Mons

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Thank you for the updated link. It's working fine!


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I just redownloaded to be sure, but I'm getting an error message from this theater mode.  The background shows up, and player controls at the top, but none of the other elements.  Can anyone advise on fixing it?

(The error names "line 6, position 21")
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I love this Mode. I did some tweaking of the original with lyrics, duration and upcoming on it. I don't want to take your work. i just added some elements to it for my use. Is it ok to post the .xml code on here for others to have?


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I did some changes to this and I'm pretty happy with it except I would like to have the upcoming songs listed on the bottom right, I'm not sure how to do this, so if anyone could help I would appreciate it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 Northern Lights
 version 1.2

 A Theater Mode customization for MusicBee by paq
 Copyleft – all rights reversed

<settings enableScaling="false" />
  <settings idlePeriod="0" />
<settings monitor="1" otherMonitors="active" />

<!-- 1. BACKGROUND -->

<!-- Spectrum Visualizer -->
<element type="SpectrumVisualiser" xAnchor="Panel.Left" x="-2" yAnchor="Panel.Center" y="-298" widthDock="Panel" heigthDock="Panel" width="4" height="300" fg="0,255,255,255" bdr="250,0,0,0"></element>

<!-- Big yellow stars for rating (and a ugly "No Stars"-symbol) -->
<element type="Field" id="Rating" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-695" yAnchor="Panel.Center" y="-125" fg="50,255,255,0" size="140" ></element>

<!-- Sort Artist in the background, lower right -->
<element type="Field" id="Duration" xAnchor="Panel.Center" x="760" yAnchor="Panel.Top" y="-10" font="Century Gothic" style="Regular" size="70" fg="255,40,40,40" ></element>

<!-- Year in the background, loweer left -->
<element type="Field" id="year (yyyy)" xAnchor="Panel.Left" x="-20" yAnchor="Panel.Top" y="-10" font="Century Gothic"  style="Regular" size="70" fg="255,40,40,40" ></element>

<!-- 2. FOREGROUND -->

<!-- Interactive Player Bar -->
<element type="PlayerBar" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-330" yAnchor="Panel.Center" y="-26" width="240" height="28" bdr="60,60,60,60" bg="225,0,0,0" fg="245,245,245" fg2="160,160,160" ></element>

<!-- Progress Bar -->
<element type="ProgressBar"  xAnchor="Panel.Left" x="0" yAnchor="Panel.Center" y="2" widthDock="Panel" width="-2" height="1" bdr="0,0,0" fg="120,154,232,255" ></element>
<element type="ProgressButton" width="10" height="10" fg="245,245,245" style="Diamond"></element>

<!-- Album Cover -->
<element type="Picture" x="60" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-480" width="400" height="400" max="400" bdr="0,0,0,0" brightness="1.0" ></element>

<!-- Album Rating followed by Album title -->
<element type="Field"  xAnchor="Picture.Left" x="-9" yAnchor="Picture.Bottom" y="8" font="Segoe UI" size="18" style="Regular" fg="235,235,235" widthDock="X:Picture.Right" width="5" >
  <child> </child>
  <child id="Album" />

<!-- DiscNo below Album title -->
<element type="Field" xAnchor="Picture.Left" x="0" yAnchor="Picture.Bottom" y="50" font="Segoe UI" style="Regular" size="7" fg="100,100,100" width="-5" widthDock="X:Picture.Right" align="left">
<child id="RatingAlbum" size="20" />

<!-- Song title followed by red heart if song is loved -->
<element type="Field"  xAnchor="Picture.Right" x="16" yAnchor="Picture.Bottom" y="-75" font="Dotum" style="Regular" size="31"  width="-10" widthDock="X:Panel.Right">
<child id="Title" fg="245,245,245" />
<child> </child>
<child id="RatingLove" fg="0,0,0,0" fg2="203,23,63" size="34" />

<!-- Artist -->
<element type="Field" id="Artist" xAnchor="Picture.Right" x="15" yAnchor="Picture.Bottom" y="-28" font="Raavi" style="Regular" size="21" fg="225,225,225" width="-10" widthDock="X:Panel.Right"></element>

<!-- -->


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I love this theme, but (yes, here comes the but) would it be possible to bring the year from the "background" to the foreground and place it smack in the middle under the album art in white numbers. If anybody knows how, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.