Author Topic: Show if Artwork is Tagged (embed) For Current Track In (Album and Tracks) View  (Read 4792 times)


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I noticed that  if you are in the Album and Tracks view you wont know if the current track in the album has the artwork tagged (embed) in the file
itself unless of course you view the tags or switch to the tracks details view.

Is it possible to have an option to view if the current track in the album has the artwork tagged (embed) in the file. I also discovered that you
have the option to "Show Artwork In Left Sidebar" via preferences>Layout>Now Playing Panel=Configure Panel=Show Artwork Panel. This
would be an ideal place to show if the current track in the album has the artwork tagged (embed) in the file, keeping the Artwork in the
Track Details Panel Reserved for the Album itself.

In the first image below i have the album and tracks view and the artwork is displayed for the album, but there is no way to tell if the file has the artwork tagged unless you do above.

In the next image I have the tracks detail view to show that the file itself has no artwork tagged and that maybe the panel on the left could
reflect this


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Edit>Preferences>Tags(2)>Uncheck auto-retrieve artwork

That way tracks that have no artwork will appear as having none in the playing/selected panel.

Additionally you can use the tag manager to find all tracks that are missing artwork. Tools>Tagging Tools>Show file with missing artwork


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Just noticed in the newest beta 1.4.4375, that now the album artwork on the left side in Album and Tracks view wont show artwork if the file has no artwork. Thanks Steven for the update


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I don't see any change in behaviour.
In album & tracks view, the artwork displayed is only taken from the first track in the album.


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I spoke too early. Switching back to  unticking auto-retrieve missing artwork for the playing track


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I spoke too early. Switching back to  unticking auto-retrieve missing artwork for the playing track

I don't really understand what you are trying to do :-\

If a track is missing artwork and you have the option mention above ticked then musicbee displays the downloaded artwork and if you have set it to auto-save the artwork, it does that also. Could you please explain some more


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By default the 'show now playing artwork' option in the left panel displays the art for the PLAYING TRACK, not for the highlighted track.
However, if you click the pane's header (which says 'playing track'), it changes to 'selected tracks' and will behave as you wish.

This tip might also help you:
· alt+e to bring up the tag manager
· select the 'files with missing artwork' option
· open a new tab. Your library loads. Notice that all the files with missing artwork have a blue exlcamation mark next to them.
  MB is showing you the files that don't have embedded or linked artwork.
· you can close the first tag manager tab - the tracks in the other view will still remain flagged

There are a couple of confusing things about this flag though, because MB tries it's best to show something rather than nothing:

If a 'folder.jpg' file exists in the music's folder, MB will display that artwork when playing the file, even though it's also
flagging the file as having none. Similarly, MB could display some cached image too, especially likely if you've had the
automatic download option on.

Lastly, it's quite difficult to refresh those blue exclamation marks; the refresh button doesn't work.
You have to switch away from the view and switch back to it. Eg. click a playlist and then click back to the library.
This gets rid of all of them though, so if you've still got more files without artwork to deal with, you'll need to alt+e again.
Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 03:05:12 PM by Anti


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However, if you click the pane's header (which says 'playing track'), it changes to 'selected tracks' and will behave as you wish.
Wow never knew that existed thanks alot. This is a great feature but your right about the confusing flags.

I  wanted the album artwork to display in the album and tracks view as it does when it is in the tracks detail view,  just to have a way to know if the files artwork is embed without having to switch views, use the tag tools or file filter, which will work well with that left pane artwork view. But unticking the auto retrieve artwork mentioned by ma_t14  and click the  pane's header (which says 'playing track') mentioned by Anti works fine enough.  Thanks All