Author Topic: Artist pictures fullscreen mode on a second monitor  (Read 2591 times)


  • Guest
A nice feature would be to have the possibility to show the Artist Picture Visualizer in fullscreen mode on a second monitor, while you can use the first one to navigate in MB.


  • Guest
I was just about to write the same proposel before I read this post. Would be great feature to use on parties. Maybe it could be possible to direct any visualiser to the second screen, not only for the artist picture visualizer. Also, for use on bigger parties, there could be a function to screen pics in artist pictures visualiser that are public domain only.
Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 11:30:26 PM by CMan


  • Guest
Yeah, and maybe at the start and the end of each track there could be a really huge heading stating the song and the artist.