Author Topic: Toogle LOVE for the current playing Track.  (Read 917 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 81
Here are my settings.

I have set my hotkey to global... I have login to LastFM.... everything is perfect.

But when I press the key whether am using MusicBee or another Program. the LOVED is toggled for the last song clicked track.

My intention was to toggle the LOVE for the Current Playing Track.

My intention is to love the track "Open Water..." but pressing the Hotkey it will act on the track "Sixteen (Don diablo)" . despite that, I have right-clicked away from the last clicked track.

Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 07:52:23 PM by Humphrzy
I wear shades 😎 cuz you're just too bright 🔆