Author Topic: Easier transfer of custom tags from database to files (or vice versa?)  (Read 877 times)


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See my reply here:

First, is this still the case for moving custom tags stored in the database to custom tags in the files? I don't think I've seen any changes, but I'll admit to being a little out of the loop lately.

If it hasn't changed, then I think there should be a safer, more transparent way to take tags saved in the database and move them to files. (It should probably be more transparent, even if the behavior doesn't change.) It just seems like there's a high risk of a user who doesn't know all the ins and outs of how the tags work losing data.

What I would imagine is something like, when you change the target for a custom tag from database to an actual tag, and MusicBee detects values in the current tag, it pops up a dialogue like:

You have existing data for <Tag> in the database. MusicBee is about to scan your files for data in <New Tag Identifier>. Would you like to:

* Overwrite all values in the files (if any) with current values in the database
* Overwrite all values in the database with values found in the files
* Merge values from the database and the files

Definitely the first two options, fingers crossed that the third can be done. (Actually if the third can be done it could just be the default behavior and you can skip the dialogue.)
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