Author Topic: How to drag + drop parent folder path to create a shortcut link?  (Read 1366 times)


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  • Posts: 9

I would like to create a shortcut link for the parent folder on a group of imported files, i can't find a way to do this quickly. is this possible?

I use this for adding reference link to files I have watched/listened.

Example Path is

Parent folder

c:\MusicBee Movie\


c:\MusicBee Movie\Video1.avi
c:\MusicBee Movie\Video2.avi

Currently, you can drag + drop a file/files into another program easily, you just drag + drop file/files and it will create a shortcut link where you can click and it will open with your default program.

I would like to create a shortcut link for the parent folder instead of the files inside the folder by dragging + dropping it to the other program.

Is this possible at the moment?

I hope you understand me. thanks
Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 02:45:09 AM by pleiades