Author Topic: minor icon inconsistency in UWP app  (Read 873 times)


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First of all, thanks for making this awesome program and also releasing it as UWP app.

Currently I experience a small icon inconsistency when using the UWP app from the store.
The icon displayed in the store and in shortcuts seems to be a newer updated one. I like the simplified look but when i open the app it still shows the old icon with the white dropshadow and the note next to it in the taskbar.

The new icon cannot be set manually in the preferences or at least it is not available in the skins folder where the other icons are. I copied the new icon from the hidden UWP-program folder and created a .ico file which fixes the inconsistency but also replaces the hamburger button in the top left of the application with the manually set icon.

So, there are two minor inconsistencies:
- app shows old icon when opened
- hamburger button is replaced by custom icon if it is not set to the MusicBee.ico in the Skins folder

I'd like to have the new icon everywhere except for the hamburger button at the top left :)