Author Topic: Batch Locate Dead Links  (Read 1418 times)


  • Guest
I've searched and found this issue raised a few times, but never satisfactorily answered. I've copied my M3U playlists from my Android phone and edited them to the correct path on my computer on which MusicBee is located (using Notepad++), but once imported into MusicBee they all show as dead links, even though they have the correct path. If I right-click, I can "search" and immediately "find" the path and the song will work in the playlist. But it sure would be nice if I could do this as a batch action as my playlists have hundreds of songs. Our fearless leader once suggested that "Tools/Tagging Tools/Other "Files to Edit" Filters" would lead to a LOCATE dead links action, but all it does is SHOW dead links. And, to be clear, because I'm dealing with lengthy playlists (that I don't want to recreate), re-scanning isn't an option that works (at least I don't think so). Any help/thoughts would be appreciated. Or maybe this should be posted in the "Wishlist" section?