Author Topic: Improved song/album matching  (Read 1427 times)


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First of all thanks for this awesome media player! I generally use Guayadeque on Linux and I need a lot of external tools to keep my library organized and corrrectly tag... MusicBee really include everything!

I've noticed that info from are downloaded only if the Artist album and track matches perfectly with information... I think it would be good to implement something like matching mode.

For example, some of the albums in my library haven't tag with the correct playcounts since in the past I used to add info to the album title (e.g. [live], [compilation]) or because depending the player I used, I had to insert info such as [disk 1] to correctly visualize the album. Something similar happens for track titles, which could have changed in time (e.g. adding info about live or cover recording). This ended up in having (within library) the same album with slightly different titles.

To solve this problem I developed a plugin for MusicBrainz picard, able to identify the correct album even if has different title (using a similarity score), could something like this be implemented within MusicBee?


PS. do MusicBee use the popularimeter tag?