Author Topic: Memory usage on different tab selection  (Read 212 times)


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Hi! Discovering this program was a real delight, there is no other software out there that can manage my music, podcasts and internet radio all at once. It's incredibly well designed and customizable so thanks so much for all of your efforts, it's a wonderful piece of software.

I'm using the latest download from the mainpage (3.5) and I think I've discovered an interesting behaviour when using Podcasts at least.

After adding a few Podcasts, I notice differences in memory usage depending on the situation:
- If I am playing a (downloaded) Podcast and close MusicBee on the Podcast tab, and reopen it, I get a memory usage of about 50mb
- If I am playing the same Podcast and close MusicBee on any of the other tabs like Now Playing, and reopen it, I get a memory usage of about 90mb
- This is all assuming I have the Podcasts "Check New Episode Action" set to "Manual". If I do not, on launching MusicBee I get a memory usage of about 200mb, and if I set the "Check New Episode Action" to any interval or update manually, I also start on a memory usage of about 50mb and then shoot up to around 200mb on launch or *whenever I "Check for Updates"

Playing around with Podcasts mainly, I also noticed the following:
- "Sometimes" if I close MusicBee on the Now Playing tab when playing a (downloaded) Podcast and reopen it, the background and Album/Artist artwork is lost. This doesn't happen if I open and close on the Podcasts tab *this might only be happening on the latest Patch, I'm not 100% sure yet. Interestingly when this does happen, I get a memory usage of around 50mb instead of 90mb-200mb.
- This is probably as designed or intended, but playback positions are not remembered for NON-downloaded Podcasts/streams unless I use the "AudioBook Position Tracker" plugin on this forum.
- This probably belongs in a different forum subsection, but it would be nice if Podcast episodes under the "Unplayed Episodes" filter didn't move from there until they were fully played, and if non-fully played episodes in their Podcast Subscription list were highlighted. Maybe there's a way I can do this using Filters or Highlighting

- Lastly, and completely unrelatedly, I wonder if there would be a way to make the Single Click on the Traybar Icon a toggle - so a single click would e.g. show and then hide again the MiniPlayer, rather than first showing the MiniPlayer, then showing the Main Player.

Once again I'd just like to say thanks for the application, it's absolutely superb. I'd love to know why the memory usage in these situations differs so much and what I might do to correct it and keep it down.

Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 11:53:31 PM by axemaster99


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When downloading files the memory usage jumps substantially. When I looked at this a long time ago, I believe it comes from the .NET library and not MB. I dont plan to investigate this further


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Thanks for the reply, Steven - I understand this isn't a priority at all.

Just for your information, after testing a little bit more with MusicBee 3.5 from the mainpage download (installer dated 25-Oct-2023), it's not so much that when checking for new Podast episodes memory jumps up, which would be expected, it's more that especially when retrieval is attempted and nothing gets a hit, the added memory load never seems to get released back again as (might) be expected. So the result is when episode retrieval attempt has just been completed, MusicBee remains occupying e.g. 160-190mb memory instead of the more usual idling memory of around 60-70mb, in my case at least. This does not seem to be re-released for over an hour, if ever.

Thought I'd just post the info in case it were ever useful at some point. Thanks again for the great piece of software you've shared with us all.