Author Topic: Switch MusicBee UI focus from albums to songs?  (Read 329 times)


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The whole interface in MusicBee seems obsessed with albums, and sure that's a very traditional way of looking at music. However, in the digital era singles and smaller releases are more common, so is there an easy way to replace all album counts throughout the interface with just song count instead?

Out of the thousands of songs in my music library, there's probably less than a handfull complete albums so I'm really not interested in that statistic at all.
Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 12:07:47 PM by eobet


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Oh, I just discovered something which actually affects my UX rather than just the visuals... when I click on an artist, I get a page with "albums & stats" "more albums"   ;D   "profile" "similar artists"...

but not "songs"? like, there's no straight up flat list of songs on the artist page?  :o

I managed to find a place to change "album" & "year" columns to "title" & "year" but that still only displays one thumbnail per album and now it says the first song on that album instead and I still don't have a list of just all songs for that artist in a single column...
Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 12:08:19 PM by eobet


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Thank you for the tip! Unfortunately, I can only further show you how thick I am...

The Music tab is the one that has customizable views. I'm guessing the wiki assumes you're starting from there, I can see why that'd be confusing. Also you can open extra Music tabs and make multiple custom views, one on each tab. I'd also recommend saving those custom views and closing any tabs you don't use.

Here's a quick recording showing what you're looking and the other available views:

Edit: Just a heads up, your Tracks/Covers view will probably look different than mine, as I've edited it some without saving it as a separate custom view.


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Here's a quick recording showing what you're looking and the other available views:

Thank you so much! I would not have figured it out without this help.  :-*

(Similarly, when I hit + on a tab, I'm still not able to figure out how to add anything to that empty page, even using the "configure layout" button. But hopefully there's Youtube videos to find because even though people seem to want wikis, when there's complicated procedures to go through to accomplish anything, a video helps a lot in this instance!)


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Here's a quick recording showing what you're looking and the other available views:

Thank you so much! I would not have figured it out without this help.  :-*

(Similarly, when I hit + on a tab, I'm still not able to figure out how to add anything to that empty page, even using the "configure layout" button. But hopefully there's Youtube videos to find because even though people seem to want wikis, when there's complicated procedures to go through to accomplish anything, a video helps a lot in this instance!)
The left sidebar might be hidden, try going to Preferences > Layout (1) > Arrange Panels, and set left sidebar to "show"


  • Jr. Member
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The left sidebar might be hidden, try going to Preferences > Layout (1) > Arrange Panels, and set left sidebar to "show"

That was apparently the case, thanks again! (It's rather confusing that there's more than one left panel... that slideover panel which populates a new tab should never be allowed to be hidden upon tab creation, imo.)