Author Topic: Quick Question On Searching...  (Read 477 times)


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First, let me say that I freaking love Music Bee.  I've been using it maybe 5 years now and it blows away ITunes or what's left of MusicMatch (Yahoo).  I like to sort by year in the upper right hand corner.  I play a Twitter game where I need to focus on a given year like 1967.  Anyway, as this year wears down we are focused on 2022.  This is first time I noticed this issue, but the same goes for 2021 and 2020.  For some reason, and yes I'm still on v3.3.7, searching on 2022/21/20 yields zero results.  Searching on 1955 through 2019 gives me what I want; a list of everything in my database that was released that year.  Even though the Y2K issue turned out to be largely a myth, I'm wondering if this is a similar issue that is solved if I upgrade to v3.5.  I ask because I've learned not to automatically update when things are working well in a given app.  I did this with Audacity recently and all heck broke loose.  I had to go find the old version to make it work again.  I don't want anything to change, including the current skin I'm using or any of my settings, if I update to v3.5.  I'm only going to do it if I can search by 2020 and upward going forward.  This issue may not have been noticed by anyone, but I was curious to see if anyone else came across this issue.  Maybe one or two of you could search my 2022 in the later versions for me and let me know if it works.  Obviously you need music released this year to make that work for the record.  Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!


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I assume you're referring to the search box in the upper-right corner of MB's window? I use that search box all the time and can't recall any issues with it returning proper results. If you're getting correct results from each year from 1955 through 2019 and not from anything after, then it's quite possibly you don't have any tracks from 2021 and 2022. Or they're not tagged properly.

There's been lots of features and fixes to MB in the two and a half years since your old version was released. One change that you might like is the addition of search box shortcuts.
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
Unzip into your MusicBee directory and overwrite existing files.

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Hi Phred - I should figure out how to receive e-mail when I get a reply.  I searched on my own posts after my latest issue to re-find this one to see if anyone ever replied to this one.  I have at least 50 albums in 2020, 2021, 2022 & maybe 10 in 2023.  No question whatsoever.  I will say that one song from 2020 comes up when I search on 2020, but the 2020 is in the title of the song, not the year, which is where I want it to search.  I don't know if that is helpful, but I figured it was worth mentioning.  I have a gargantuan digital database by most people's standards.  Some years have 175 titles in the 80's and 90's.  All I can tell you about this is I'm on v3.5.8447 now and it still brings up absolutely nothing when I put any year beginning in 20 (20,21,22,23, etc) in the search box.  Nothing.  I can't imagine what the reason is, but it definitely isn't because I don't have any music from the years in question.  It feels like a Y2K thing.  Like it doesn't recognize 20 as a set of years yet.  I'm working around both issues (including my artwork issue I just set as Bug Report) because I love your software so much.  I tell everyone I know they should be using it.  Thanks!


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Here's a few things you can try...

- do you have tracks that actually have those years?
- are you using the search box in the upper right corner? I asked this in my previous reply and you didn't answer.
- use the dropdown next to the magnifying glass in that search box and make sure "entire library" is checked.
- use the dropdown next to the magnifying glass in that search box and make sure "search all fields" is checked.
- use the dropdown next to the magnifying glass in that search box and make sure "search selected fields" is checked and make sure "year" is in the list.
Download the latest MusicBee v3.5 or 3.6 patch from here.
Unzip into your MusicBee directory and overwrite existing files.

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