Author Topic: Automatic network setting from IE  (Read 17624 times)


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Can you add new option in internet options - Internet options from IE???
Networks settings will have then three radio buttons:
1) direct connection to the Internet (the same as now when you dont have selected use proxy server)
2) connection same as in Internet Explorer
3) use this proxy server: (the same as now when you have selected use proxy server)

the second option will determine its settings from Connection settings in Ineternet Explorer or maybe you could add also connection same as Firefox settings;-)

I found an article about using the same connection settings as in IE. You have to read this reg path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
and these keys:
- ProxyEnable - (0/1) (no proxy/proxy)
- ProxyServer

I think that this reg path have all windows xp OS... I dont have Vista so I cant check it...

It is only suggestion but it will help (you dont have to change proxy settings but they set according to IE automatically)...



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i actually use the same infrastructure for browing as firefox (XulRunner) as I found internet explorer way to much of a resource hog and kept occasionally locking up for periods of time on some web pages. But i probably could look at the IE (or firefox settings) to automatically determine the proxy settings


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Perfect. that would be nice. I think Firefox is a bit important than IE but IE have 100% users...
so maybe this setting would cover 100% users + also advanced once :-):
1) direct connection to the Internet (the same as now when you dont have selected use proxy server)
2) connection settings same as Firefox
3) connection settings same as Internet Explorer
4) use this proxy server: (the same as now when you have selected use proxy server)

Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 02:24:27 PM by chorpo


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After few time I had tested this, I found that MB is automatically detected our proxy in work but in our clients they have some special setting for proxy so I cant connect. As it sends scrobbled data after connecting to network elsewhere, it is not necessary to do this request...

Im sorry about snipping from your precious time about even thinking of this...

you can delete this request
