Author Topic: Some QoL Changes for Tag Editor  (Read 302 times)


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This is a combination of suggestions and fixes that's simpler to consolidate here. Would be appreciated if any of this is worth considering.

1a. Pressing Up/Down to Enable Predictive Search - There isn't a way to enable the predictive search box on an active tag without having to backspace or type in more letters, which either specifies or generalizes terms within the query and can show different results because of it.

      1b. Infinite Scrolling - Specifically to scroll from the bottom of the tags back up top, and vice versa, with the arrow keys. I make use of arrows often for easier searching, so it'd be convenient for me.

2. Highlighting Error - The images here will show what I mean.

This image shows the first result highlighted. If I press up, it'll go back to what was initially typed.

The problem is that the first tag is still highlighted, meaning that when I press down from there, it'll skip to the second result.

It would also affect the search box if it shows a single  tag, which would not display again if you scrolled back even once.

These ones mostly relates to the Vertical Tag Editor.

3. Clicking on the VTE Region to Preview Changes - If I wanted to preview any edited changes I made before saving in the Floating Tag Editor window, I could either click within the window itself or press enter to remove the search box. Neither of these could be done in the VTE, especially since the mouse cursor is naturally where the VTE to make it happen.

4. Saving Highlighted Tags with Enter - If I set Enter as a hotkey to save, and attempt to edit tags in both VTE and Main Panel Tag window, it wouldn't save if the tag box is still highlighted. This doesn't happen in the regular floating tag window, where pressing enter twice (once to remove the search query and preview changes) works fine.

The Incredible Boom Boom

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This is a combination of suggestions and fixes that's simpler to consolidate here. Would be appreciated if any of this is worth considering.

1a. Pressing Up/Down to Enable Predictive Search - There isn't a way to enable the predictive search box on an active tag without having to backspace or type in more letters, which either specifies or generalizes terms within the query and can show different results because of it.

      1b. Infinite Scrolling - Specifically to scroll from the bottom of the tags back up top, and vice versa, with the arrow keys. I make use of arrows often for easier searching, so it'd be convenient for me.


2. Highlighting Error - The images here will show what I mean.

This image shows the first result highlighted. If I press up, it'll go back to what was initially typed.

The problem is that the first tag is still highlighted, meaning that when I press down from there, it'll skip to the second result.

It would also affect the search box if it shows a single  tag, which would not display again if you scrolled back even once.

You might want to post this in the Bugs forum.

4. Saving Highlighted Tags with Enter - If I set Enter as a hotkey to save, and attempt to edit tags in both VTE and Main Panel Tag window, it wouldn't save if the tag box is still highlighted. This doesn't happen in the regular floating tag window, where pressing enter twice (once to remove the search query and preview changes) works fine.
