Author Topic: I got rid of the track slider and now I can't get it back  (Read 2073 times)


  • Guest
First off, fantastic little music application!! This is quality stuff and the fact that it's free is almost too good to be true. Many thanks to you, the dev.

Now on to the first and only problem I've ever had with MusicBee so far:

The track slider used to be located at the bottom of the player and while tinkering with the customization options, I  accidentally selected to change it to "upper left" or something like that (I can't recall exactly as I cannot remember how I brought up that particular customization window). It then disappeared and I cannot get it back. All I have to control the track progress is the Now Playing Layout Configuration, wherein you can enable a wave-like visualization of the track which itself acts like a track slider, allowing me to fastforward and rewind. If you know which configuration option I'm referring to (which I vaguely remember), please instruct me on how to get the slider back!! If not, at least please tell me how to reset configuration options back to default, so that I may start over. Much appreciated!


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This sequence of steps should change what I think you want changing.

Press Ctrl+O (this is the shortcut for the main preferences window). Go to the "Layout (2)" section. Under the "Main Player Panel" heading, make sure that you have "Show Panel in Bottom" selected, and that you either have "Use Classic Layout" or "Use Modern Layout" with one of the options containing the words "Progress Bar" selected. Hit save.
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