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Topics - BeeFlat

Pages: 1
Questions / Some fields not updating when readding re-reripped songs
« on: October 24, 2018, 06:42:42 PM »
I've recently been reripping songs I ripped years ago to bring them to a higher quality bitrate.  However, when I reimport the songs, the "encoded with", "date added" and "bitrate" fields are not updated.  The values seem to be cached from the prior versions of the MP3s.

I have added an album that I ripped at 192k VBR back years ago.  Let's say I added the songs a month ago (migrating to MusicBee earlier this month).

What I did:
- I deleted the songs from the MusicBee library (but not the filesystem)
- I renamed the directory where the 192k songs were (so as not to get overwritten).
- I re-encode the album using the latest LAME library at V0.
- I then add the new songs to MusicBee.
- If I go into the Properties of the song, I see the date added was the date I originally added the older files.  I see the "encoded with" as the prior LAME encoder version and the bitrate still shows 192K VBR.
- Windows Explorer shows the correct bitrate and using other MP3 tools shows the correct bitrate and encoder.

It's like MusicBee cached the information (even though I deleted them from the library) and used the cached information rather than updating the information by rescanning the files.

I'm new to MusicBee, but I haven't found a way to force MusicBee to flush the cache and rescan the files.

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