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Messages - yetaxa

Pages: 1
MusicBee Wishlist / Re: Chapter list
« on: April 26, 2024, 12:54:01 PM »
+1 on this. Musicbee is the only music programme I've found that actually supports chapters, but it absolutely could be better. I'm not sure how exactly it could be achieved though. Could be an extra feature in the playlist too.

Hmmm. I wonder why this happens for some albums and not others? It's not the # of tracks.  I have MusicBee fully expanded in my smaller monitor.

Yes, it does put them in columns in my larger monitors but A) I prefer keeping MB open in my scratch monitor (which is not a low res monitor, it's a quality 23" Dell), and B) this had never been a problem for me before this year, to my knowledge).
It's based on the length of an individual title. In this view (with artist names displayed on the same line as track title) the length of the longest line will determine the width of each column. And as there is a very long one here (the one with Mariah Carey) there simply isn't enough room for a second column
Maybe that would be something to ask for
to force multiple columns even if it means cutting titles off

Questions / Re: Chapter Points suddenly broken
« on: December 12, 2022, 11:42:55 AM »
oh wow this actually worked thank you so very much Steven!

Questions / Chapter Points suddenly broken
« on: December 08, 2022, 10:52:41 PM »
One of the main things that drew me to MusicBee in the first place was its proper support of chapters in audio files, and that worked nicely, with pre-made ones and ones I made myself

But after attempting a few times to edit chapter names in programmes such as Mp3tag or Foobar, it seems to have permanently broken the whole system

This may be a little difficult to explain, but in this track, 'The Final Deal', the one apparently appearing only 5 minutes into the track, is in fact the final chapter (and this is correct when using VLC and other programmes). It just cycles through the whole list of chapters in about a minute or so, making the chapter markings completely useless

What's strange is that once this happened, it didn't affect files I already had in my library (whose chapters would play normally), but would affect anything new I attempted to add
Even with fresh installs, portable installs, deleting whatever files I could find related to MusicBee (resulting in losing my settings), it seems like the problem persists and it's somewhat baffling as I had zero problem with MusicBee for a long time before and no idea what could be causing it or how I could solve it. I think I managed to fix it somewhat once but it's returned on its own

I somewhat doubt at this point that there is any real fix, but it is somewhat baffling that it's happened and any advice would be helpful
Currently using MusicBee Portable 3.5.8367, but it seems to have been the same on earlier versions

Pages: 1