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Messages - BoringName

Pages: 12 3 ... 16
General Discussions / Re: MusicBee and OpenAI (ChatGPT)
« on: June 13, 2024, 01:14:12 AM »
Artificial Intelligence, in and of itself, is a broad concept. However, I think Alan Turing* defined it best.
In his Turing Test**, he basically said that a machine passes as AI if the human assessing it cannot tell that they are interacting with a machine.

In your example I think you might be getting mixed up with which part was produced by AI and which was a genuine post. Everything from steagl3 is a genuine post. The only "AI" part is where it describes the process of embedding art which comes across as very AI to me. The bot just copied a genuine post, altered the links and added a very AI response to it.

I expect Turing meant more interaction than just reading a random forum post. In any case id say AI is more plagiarism than intelligence.

General Discussions / Re: MusicBee and OpenAI (ChatGPT)
« on: June 12, 2024, 08:46:17 AM »
Only just noticed this post. About the only thing ChatGPT got right about 3Dbee is it displays cover art.

I've been noticing a few real estate agents clearly using AI to create their property descriptions. The lazy pricks don't even proof read it. The future is looking bleak.

It's not called Skynet anymore, it's called Legion in the latest Terminator instalment.

Not much to worry about, despite the buzzwords getting thrown around, these text predictors are not artificial intelligence.

Portable Devices / Re: Iphone 13 Pro Max Help Syncing
« on: June 08, 2024, 10:39:39 AM »
More info here about that plugin

I think one issue you might come across is the version of iTunes you need to work with an iPhone 13 might not be very compatible with the plugin. There are a lot of bugs with the iTunes API. That thread details the latest version that works without issues.

If you're lucky it might just work with a later version. If your not so lucky it might work with multiple attempts. If your shit out of luck it won't work at all and there is probably not much I can do about it.

Portable Devices / Re: Wifi android device synching
« on: May 31, 2024, 10:02:17 AM »
If anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated !

If you are using kimt688's version of the app, I expect it's related to the app only being able to access audio files as per kimt1688's last post. From the error log you posted it's having issues with the cover art jpeg files.

They probably need to alter the app to handle image files as well.

A workaround for you would be to imbed the cover art in the song file instead of having it as a separate image file in each album folder.

Portable Devices / Re: Wifi android device synching
« on: May 26, 2024, 01:28:56 AM »

I don't know about poweramp but can't you just prompt the user to give permission to the gmmp folder?

Google doesn't like apps using ""MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"" when it's not necessary because it's just a blanket access to all files but I believe you can still prompt the user for permission to individual files/folders. At least that's how I thought it worked.

Portable Devices / Re: Wifi android device synching
« on: May 22, 2024, 11:45:28 PM »
I have been communicating with Google since the beginning of this month and I am unable to use MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE because they claim it is not a “core feature”. I've decided that the only way to register with Google is to disable reverse sync, so I'm going to try registering with F-Droid.

You need to read up on "Scoped Storage". It was introduced in Android 11 and could be bypassed with a flag but from Android 12 it couldn't be bypassed anymore. Since then you need to justify the use of "MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" or google will reject the app from the play store. Which is going to be hard to do for a music sharing app, that permission is pretty much reserved for file managing apps because it gives access to everything.

You just need to setup Scoped Storage so the app can access audio files only and whatever folder the user selects. Once you do that google shouldn't have an issue with it.

I can't help anymore than that as I never got around to researching how to implement Scoped Storage.

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: vgmstream support
« on: May 19, 2024, 07:04:53 AM »
I tried a few different winamp plugins I found from a bit of googling.
in_cube.dll - this evolved into vgmstream

Another plugin for playing ADX files and a third for playing PSF files.

They all produced the same Bass unknown error. They are all 20 years old so that doesn't help.

Couldn't even convert them with ffmpeg. They are all unsupported formats.

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: vgmstream support
« on: May 19, 2024, 05:26:33 AM »
I don't know if this means much but I noticed the libmpg123-0.dll file that is packaged in doesn't produce an error like the one in does.

Still doesn't fix the bass unknown error.

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: vgmstream support
« on: May 18, 2024, 10:23:33 AM »
Why would you use a Winamp input plugin for Opus when MusicBee already has native support for that format via bassopus.dll?

Why does anybody do anything?

I was just testing the first in_*.dll file I found to rule out any problems with the import process. Knowing that worked means it's most likely a problem with in_vgmsteam.dll and not Musicbee.

I had the same issue with libmpg as J24, I just deleted it. I tried a bunch of different things but couldn't get passed the Bass_Error_Unknown problem.

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: vgmstream support
« on: May 18, 2024, 08:59:07 AM »
This might be pretty much what you did but I grabbed the winamp link from here -

Copied all the contents of that zip folder to

Replace <j24> with your username.

When I did this it shows up in the player tab and when I hit configure it opens the config tab for it.

I don't have a KVS sample to test it on. Can you provide a link?

Ok I got a file to test it on and I get the same error BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN. I'd say it's related to the error message about it not being a supported plugin. Probably can't do much unless Steven gets involved.

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: vgmstream support
« on: May 18, 2024, 08:44:27 AM »
Yeah I'm getting that message too. I went back to a 2019 version and the same issue. I think it's a problem with that particular plugin.

I had no problems importing in_opus.dll with that method.

MusicBee Wishlist / Re: vgmstream support
« on: May 18, 2024, 05:37:35 AM »
I haven't tried this so no idea if it would work but I believe the method you need to follow is-

Edit Preferences->Player

There is tab for input plugins and a button "import Winamp". Click that button and browse to the in_vgmstream.dll file.

Plugins / Re: iPod & iPhone Driver Plugin 2.0
« on: May 18, 2024, 01:39:09 AM »
I've done a couple of tests and I'm not able to replicate the issue.

If I completely clear out itunes then create 2 playlists in musicbee with the same songs and just select those 2 playlists for syncing. The songs are copied over and both playlists are created in iTunes with all the correct songs.

You will need to provide more info.

Plugins / Re: iPod & iPhone Driver Plugin 2.0
« on: May 18, 2024, 12:41:46 AM »
If the song already exists on the device do to it being added from a separate playlist, it skips adding it. This is great when it comes to file itself but it would be nice if it would recognize that since the file already exists, it would continue writing the path of the file to the playlist it writes on the device.

Just to make sure I'm understanding the issue correctly. You're saying if a song is in 2 separate playlists in Musicbee, after you sync it to the device the song is missing from the second playlist on the device?

I assume the song is also missing from the second playlist in itunes as all the plugin really does is sync with itunes not the device itself.

How are you syncing to a Flash drive? I didn't know you could do that with iTunes.

Plugins / Re: 3DBee (Cover Flow) Plugin
« on: April 29, 2024, 05:44:19 AM »
i've found 1 minor issue. plugin settings window is always opened almost offscreen (when MB window is maximized) if i open it by right-clicking on cover flow. notice that cover flow is placed on the right MB panel:

I'm surprised it doesn't automatically shift it over to fit on the screen like it does with the right click menu. They are both set to appear where the mouse pointer is but you will notice if you click at the very edge of your screen, the context menu is moved over so it all fits on the screen. I guess it handles Forms differently to ToolStripMenus or the default behaviour is different and I've missed a setting somewhere. I will check it out.

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