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Messages - mmakes

Pages: 1 23
TheaterMode / Re: Dictionary of Theater Mode elements?
« on: August 19, 2020, 01:30:08 AM »
The files should be available in C:\Program Files (x86)\MusicBee\Plugins\TheaterMode.List

I'll post them here anyway...

Notes for customising the setting .xml files - see Default.xml as an example

Setting Attributes:
  - enableScaling: when enabled, fonts, pictures and the layout are scaled to the display size (see notes at end for more details on how the scaling factor is calculated). You should enable this setting if you are planning to make your layout available to others
  - backgroundImage: optional override for the background image. By default, a .jpg picture with the same filename as this settings file will be loaded. But when this element is set, the image will be loaded from the SharedArtwork sub-folder eg. <settings backgroundImage="xxx.jpg" /> will load "Plugins\TheaterMode.List\SharedArtwork\xxx.jpg"
  - rotationFolder: optional override for the rotation sub-folder. By default, images in "<settings filename>.Rotation" folder will be loaded for rotation. But when this element is set, the images will be loaded from the SharedArtwork sub-folder eg. <settings rotationFolder="ZZZ" /> will load rotation images from "Plugins\TheaterMode.List\SharedArtwork\ZZZ\"
  - rotationPeriod: if there are images in the rotation sub-folder, then rotationPeriod determines the duration each image randomly chosen will be displayed
                    1..n = number of seconds to display each image
                    EndOfTrack = rotate at the end of each track
  settings for when activated in theater mode:
    - bdr: colour for a border, remove this element if you dont want a border
  settings for when activated as a screen saver:
    - idlePeriod: 0 = disable, 1..n = trigger after n seconds of idle time where MusicBee is playing a track
    - monitor: starting from 1, the index of a single monitor the screen saver should display in
    - otherMonitors: blackout = other monitors will display black;
                     active = other montitors will stay active and usable
         - this setting only applies when a specific monitor is set and the screen saver is manually activated. If activated by the idle timer, the other monitors always black out

  - co-ordinates can be relative to another element or field eg. xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-66" yAnchor="Title.Bottom" y="4" means this element will be located 66px to the left of the panel right and 4px below the Title field
  - or absolute eg. x="10" y="20" with no xAnchor
  - an element width can be constrained eg. widthDock="AlbumCover" width="-4" constrains the width to the width of the album cover less 4px
  - or alternatively constrained as the width between its X location and another point eg. widthDock="X:Panel.Right" width="-10" means the element will always cut-off 10px from the right panel
  - the album cover size is scaled using 1152 as the reference width (eg. panel is docked in musicbee and musicbee is 800px wide, then the album cover picture is scaled by 300 x 800/1152) and constrained by the min and max attribute values
  - fonts are scaled in proportion to the scaling applied to the album cover, but wont go below 7.5pt
  - for AlbumCover, the brightness attribute is between 0 and 1, where 0 is completely black and 1 is normal brightness
  - for Gallery, a set of images from the web will be retrieved matching: tags="XXXX,YYYY" and changes picture on interval="n" seconds - see the Landscape example
  - for Gallery, photos for the current playing artist will be retrieved: tags="artist"
  - for ArtistPicture, the fade attribute  is between 0 and 1, where 1 is full dimming and 0 is no dimming - see the Artist Pictures example
  - for Gallery and ArtistPicture, aspectRatio="keep/stretch/zoomKeep/zoomStretch": stretch=the picture is stretched to fill the entire area; keep=keep aspect ratio and fillColor="200,0,0,0" defines the colour to be used to fill the gaps (if any); zoomKeep=keeps the apspect ratio but allows the sides of the image to be cut off so no vertical gaps; zoomStretch=similar to zoomKeep, but stretches rather than keeps the apect ratio
  - for PlayerBar, extras="ProgressBar": includes a progress bar in the player bar
  - for ProgressButton, style="Diamond" shows a diamond shaped button otherwise the default is a round button
  - colours can have 3 (R,G,B) or 4(Alpha,R,G,B) values, where alpha determines how much the colour is blended into the background picture (0=fully transparent .. 255=opaque ie. no blending)
  - fields and text can be combined into one line using <child> elements
  - child elements can optionally have font and colour attributes. If not provided, the colour and font default to the main element colour and font respectively. Rating child elements can also optionally have a size attribute
  - an element or a child element can contain a "onClick" or "onDoubleClick" attribute and on clicking/ double clicking the element, an action is performed. Supported values:  OpenNowPlayingAssistant, OpenAutoHidePanel  eg. onDoubleClick="OpenNowPlayingAssistant"
  - a SoundGraph is available but commented out in this default settings file
  - because retrieving the SoundGraph data is very expensive it is only done once at the start of a track and uses the SoundGraph width from the default ScreenSaver.Settings file. So if you have rotation enabled and change the width of the sound graph, then the existing sound data will be scaled to that size
  - Rating and RatingAlbum are displayed as stars whose size can be changed by setting the size attribute eg. size="16" means the star will be 16pixels high
  - Rating and RatingLove can take a fg2 colour attribute to set "Love" colour or background rating stars. When fg2 is set for Rating, the rating can be clicked to set a new value
  - Rating and RatingLove can be set so they display only if they are configured to display in the main MusicBee player:  visible="MusicBeeSetting"
  - the following fields are available:
Custom1 .. Custom9
Virtual1 .. Virtual9

default landscape image: "Waterfront" by "~ieStudio" @

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<settings enableScaling="true" />
<settings rotationPeriod="300" />
  <settings bdr="128,128,128" />
  <settings idlePeriod="0" />
  <settings monitor="1" otherMonitors="blackout" />

<element type="AlbumCover" x="40" y="53" width="280" height="280" min="200" max="300" brightness="1.0" ></element>
<element type="Field" id="Title" xAnchor="AlbumCover.Right" x="30" yAnchor="AlbumCover.Top" y="-3" widthDock="X:Panel.Right" width="-300" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="18" fg="250,250,250" ></element>
<element type="Field" id="Artist" xAnchor="AlbumCover.Right" x="30" yAnchor="Title.Bottom" y="8" widthDock="X:Panel.Right" width="-300" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="18" fg="250,250,250" ></element>
<element name="#Album" type="Field" xAnchor="AlbumCover.Right" x="35" yAnchor="Artist.Bottom" y="22" widthDock="X:Panel.Right" width="-300" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="12" fg="250,250,250" >
  <child>from "</child>
  <child id="Album" />
<element type="Field" visible="MusicBeeSetting" xAnchor="AlbumCover.Right" x="37" yAnchor="#Album.Bottom" y="45" widthDock="X:Panel.Right" width="-300" fg="250,250,250" >
  <child id="RatingLove" visible="MusicBeeSetting" fg="109,92,62" size="18" topMargin="2" rightMargin="5" ></child>
  <child id="Rating" visible="MusicBeeSetting" fg="200,150,8" fg2="89,72,42" size="19" ></child>

<element type="PlayerBar" xAnchor="AlbumCover.Left" x="1" yAnchor="AlbumCover.Bottom" y="2" widthDock="AlbumCover" width="-2" height="32" bdr="230,60,60,60" bg="230,20,20,20" fg="245,245,245" fg2="200,200,200" ></element>

<element name="#RightSidebar" type="Block" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-280" y="1" width="280" heightDock="Panel" height="-2" bg="248,10,10,10"></element>

<element type="Text" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-265" y="26" width="250" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="13" fg="190,190,190" >Lyrics</element>
<element type="Lyrics" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" y="55" width="257" heightDock="Y:Panel.Bottom" height="-250" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="10.5" fg="190,190,190" fg2="255,140,0" ></element>

<element type="Block" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-279" yAnchor="Lyrics.Bottom" y="55" width="278" height="34" bg="190,19,4,2"></element>
<element type="Text" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-262" yAnchor="Lyrics.Bottom" y="61" width="250" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="13" fg="190,190,190" >Coming up next...</element>
<element type="Field" id="Tracks[1]" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" yAnchor="Lyrics.Bottom" y="100" width="250" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="9.75" fg="190,190,190" >
  <child id="Title" ></child>
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75">  [</child>
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75" id="Duration" />
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75">]</child>
<element type="Field" id="Tracks[1]" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" yAnchor="Lyrics.Bottom" y="118" width="250" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75" fg="180,180,180" >
  <child id="Artist" />

<element type="Field" id="Tracks[2]" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" yAnchor="Tracks[1].Top" y="42" width="250" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="9.75" fg="190,190,190" >
  <child id="Title" ></child>
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75">  [</child>
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75" id="Duration" />
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75">]</child>
<element type="Field" id="Tracks[2]" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" yAnchor="Tracks[1].Top" y="60" width="250" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75" fg="180,180,180" >
  <child id="Artist" />

<element type="Field" id="Tracks[3]" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" yAnchor="Tracks[2].Top" y="42" width="250" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="9.75" fg="190,190,190" >
  <child id="Title" ></child>
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75">  [</child>
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75" id="Duration" />
  <child font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75">]</child>
<element type="Field" id="Tracks[3]" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-260" yAnchor="Tracks[2].Top" y="60" width="250" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="9.75" fg="180,180,180" >
  <child id="Artist" />

<!-- uncomment to show a sound graph
 <element type="SoundGraph" xAnchor="AlbumCover.Left" x="0" yAnchor="AlbumCover.Bottom" y="180" widthDock="X:Panel.Right" width="-320" height="70" fg="200,139,80,8" bg="160,199,142,8" bdr="160,169,110,8"></element> 

<element type="SpectrumVisualiser" x="2" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-100" widthDock="X:#RightSidebar.Left" width="-2" height="83" fg="75,255,255,255" bdr="75,83,91,18"></element>
<element type="ProgressBar" x="1" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-15" widthDock="X:#RightSidebar.Left" width="0" height="15" bg="129,112,82" fg="179,122,8" ></element>
<element type="ProgressPosition" xAnchor="#RightSidebar.Left" x="-150" yAnchor="ProgressBar.Top" y="0" width="125" align="right" font="Arial" style="Bold" size="9" fg="250,250,250" ></element>

TheaterMode / What does <settings enableScaling="true" /> actually do?
« on: August 19, 2020, 12:34:16 AM »
I changed it back and forth and it doesn't seem to do anything.

On the other hand, I've got a few bug reports from people using lower resolution monitors. Unlike the main UI, TheaterModes don't seem to scale properly when the Windows 10 scaling of the primary monitor changes from 150% to 100%.

Any clues? Or do I have to fix the bug by making different versions for different monitor scaling?  :-\

MusicBee Wishlist / Option to Hide Icons in the Tab Bar
« on: August 17, 2020, 10:16:58 PM »
When I right click on a Tab, there are options only to display Icon+Text or Icon Only. Can there be a Text Only option?

Top is the original. Bottom is the desired result.

I can fit many more tabs and have a cleaner interface if I can remove the icons. Thanks a lot  :D  :D  :D

Questions / Re: How can I remove icons from the Tab Bar?
« on: August 17, 2020, 10:13:28 PM »
Thanks for the reply! I'll put it on the wishlist then.

Questions / How can I remove icons from the Tab Bar?
« on: August 17, 2020, 10:09:25 PM »
When I right click on a Tab, there are options only to display Icon+Text or Icon Only. Is there a Text Only option?

Top is the original. Bottom is the desired result.

I can fit many more tabs and have a cleaner interface if I can remove the icons. Thanks!

Thanks for letting me know!

The link has a typo and is now fixed:

Skins / Acrylic / Blur effects for a window?
« on: March 06, 2020, 07:43:12 PM »
Is there a way to add blur effects or transparency effects to the background of a window, similar to Fluent Design in Windows 10 and Aero in Windows 7 or Vista?

Rainmeter seemed to be able to do that despite it's not a WPF app. I think there are some new APIs that allow that to happen.

Screenshots / Re: Best of Compact Mode
« on: March 06, 2020, 04:57:34 AM »
This is the theater mode I'm using with my compact view:

Screenshots / Re: Config/theme show off thread.
« on: March 06, 2020, 04:51:23 AM »
I like my fonts Big.
I like my window Black.
I like my artist photos Round.
I like my window color Feminine.

Mmmmmm...  ;D


This is pretty straightforward. It's a wall of all the tracks coming up on your playlist, which looks cool and was something done in Zune back then as well. It works better when you randomize your playlist, but I coded it so that it will appear random regardless.

Works only up to 16:10 screens. If you use wider screens you will need to add more columns in the code.

Note that it takes a bit of time to load at first... since it's loading up 28 album covers at once.

Thanks to Freddy for inspirations. 👍

If you're using it, please post a screenshot of how it looks on your end! That'd be very helpful.

Download here:

How to install:

I have music files on both my laptop and my home server, so when I'm at home I use MusicBee to access music on both my local drive and my network drive. I set up my MB with the Library Explorer panel as a folder filter at the top right so I can switch folders quickly:

It works very well in Album and Tracks view as well as Tracks view. As you can see, there are no duplicates on the album as shown.

However, when I use Artists and Album Cover content views, files from my local drive (D:\) will still show up, despite I had filtered it to just the network drive (M:\). As a result, it shows the two files for the same song but from the two different drives:

Thanks for reading the bug report. Hope it helps!

Bug is fixed. Thanks for the very quick response! 😎

My MainPanelMargin.Left is set to 8, because I like things thick. 😂

For example, here I have this very bright orange album selected:

And when go to another tab, you can still see that orange album peeking on the left where the margin is:

Polls / Re: Usage
« on: February 11, 2020, 05:48:21 AM »
Yes, because I like hoarding statistics and it's also sunk cost fallacy... That aside, it's quite nice and sentimental to see how my taste and mind changes over the years. It's like writing my journal, but it writes itself.

Thanks to Freddy I managed to make player controls appear on mouseover, which is neat:

Also I updated all the links at the top to my Github. It makes more sense to host there rather than Google Drive.

Pages: 1 23