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Topics - golgothagecko

Pages: 1
Bug Reports / Music not in library but in library folder
« on: June 16, 2024, 11:26:18 AM »

I am perplexed why Musicbee is missing SOME songs in the Library folder.   I have a folder on my drive named K:/Mp3 (added to musicbee library), and under the folder, I have each album in sub-folders.  Roughly 16,000 MP3 in total in multiple album folders.

Musicbee seems to have imported most of the MP3 into the library, but not all.  For example,  I have an album sub-folder where only 7 of 10 songs are imported.

In an attempt to resolve this, I've taken several steps. I've rescanned all folders, tried locating the missing files, and even deleted a folder from the library before re-adding it. However, despite these efforts, the files are still not appearing in the library.  

I searched the support error log for one of the missing MP3 in question and didn't see any errors.  

What else should I try?

Pages: 1