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Topics - Yamaki72

Pages: 1
Questions / Newbie with a question
« on: October 01, 2023, 09:47:11 PM »
I am a new MusicBee user and have loaded the software on a spare laptop.

I have also connected the laptop to my LAN so I can access the digital music files on my NAS.

I assume that I need to connect this laptop to my DAC in order to play music through my system. The laptop has USB connections as does my DAC. I also have a USB reclocker in the signal path.

My questions are:

1. Is USB the way to go?
2. Should I keep the reclocker in the signal path?


Questions / Newbie with a simple question. I searched. Honest!!!!!
« on: January 13, 2023, 09:40:08 PM »
First, let me apologize for posting something that has to have been asked before. I am a total newbie to MusicBee and am a bit confused.

I searched for several hours through the forum, the tips & tricks and the FAQ pages to find on how to link MusicBee to my NAS. I've done it with other music player software but I am at my wit's end here.

Here's the setup:

1. Synology D415+ NAS - Stores all music files under a first tier folder aka 01\Music
2. MusicBee software
3. RPI 4B with Ropieee software
4. HifiBerry Digi2 Pro hat on the RPI.
5. Control point - MusicBee on my laptop.

I am trying to direct MusicBee to that 01\Music file. I have been able to drag & drop files into a new playlist but I believe organization of the music files, tagging, and other MusicBee functionality would be nice to have.

So, how do I point MusicBee to that folder so I can customize MusicBee's functions, shuffle through the entire folder on the NAS.

I may have missed the proper thread in the FAQ, Tips & Tricks, pointing me to the right place via a link will be most appreciated.

Pages: 1