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Topics - Darkloke

Pages: 1
Questions / Artist Pictures
« on: June 05, 2023, 01:06:24 PM »

Is it possible to show artist pictures ONLY for custom images, which you manually placed in MusicBee\AppData\InternalCache\ArtistThumbs\? So by default player shows album covers as artist pictures, but if images are present in the folder above then it shows them instead. I am asking coz in my case player incorrectly matches artists (i suppose it matches them with spotify?) and downloads wrong artist pictures, so i would prefer to use custom images for certain artists, but in the same time displaying album covers for all others.

In short:
- dont retrieve artist pictures from web
- if images are present in ArtistThumbs, show them
- show album covers as artist pictures by default

Also a question - what album cover is taken for artist as artist picture? Just alphabetically? Is it possible for example to use cover from the album where maximum tracks from this artist are present or from album where tracks have longest duration?

Questions / Spotify queries for artist images
« on: November 22, 2019, 10:41:55 AM »

My MusicBee version is 3.3.7261.

A question - how to disable queries to spotify service for artist pictures? I found that even if i disable all others artwork services (fanart, google, itunes and gracenote) the player still gets something for me. By doing some research i have found that it was spotify service.

The problem in spotify that it often shows incorrect artist pictures (esp. in case of little-known artist with similar names) or just shows some covert art associated with them. I would just prefer to not have any images at all instead incorrect ones.

As an alternative solution may be it could be possible to query musicbrainz by artist id (esp. if it already exist in tags/metadata) and check if it has a spotify link - this would allow to make an exact artist identification instead simple search by name directly to spotify.

And a second (may be a little offtopic) question - did someone here try to work with and upload artist pictures there? It seems a good site for me since it could search artists by their musicbrainz id, but as i understand there is a strict condition for uploading art only 1000x1000 pixels, so i suppose its not possible to add small pictures.

Pages: 1