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Topics - ili_ili_ili

Pages: 1
MusicBee API / How to get new or updated files?
« on: September 29, 2019, 03:11:04 PM »
I'm trying to use Library_QueryFilesEx(string query, ref string[] files) to get new or updated files. I don't know what query to use. I've tried "DateModified>2019-09-01" or "DateAdded>20190901" but I get files = null. Help please.

MusicBee API / How can I get distinct album artists?
« on: August 11, 2019, 10:09:55 AM »
Hi Steven,
I want to retrieve all album artists from the MB library. I tried to do it by first querying all files, then for each file getting the album artist file tag into a list and finally making the list distinct. The second step is rather time consuming and I wonder if there is another more efficient way to do it. Also, I would like your opinion about how to accomplish communication between a Asp.Net web application and MusicBee running on the same machine.

Pages: 1