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Messages - meowie

Pages: 1
MusicBee Wishlist / Functions: add more criterias for $If($And)
« on: January 04, 2018, 12:58:55 AM »
So i was trying to write something with 3 criteras and MusicBee constantly refused to aknowledge the 3rd criteria by closing the bracket after 2nd criteria and then adding some quotation marks on random locations of the string. Now I can't customize tags cuz I need one more criteria to do it and i am not Bill Gates to do everything with just 2 criterias.
Moar!  :P

Questions / Re: change font color of specific tag
« on: January 02, 2018, 03:13:06 AM »
Thanks. I hope it will be supported in the future cuz i know at least one music player that has that option.  :)

Questions / change font color of specific tag
« on: January 02, 2018, 01:31:19 AM »
Hey guys,

could someone tell me if it is technically possible to change font color of specific tag to be different than the font color of the rest of the tags?

I know it is done not from musicbee, but from xml files of the skin. I got xml files of the skin (source), but I am not willing to waste my time trying if it is not technically possible.


Skins / Re: Dark Touch [bitmap]
« on: January 01, 2018, 01:38:13 PM »
OMG that font is so neat, pls tell me what’s its name pls!

edit: i meant font for headers in the music library. I didn’t even know that was possible (to change shape of letters in accordance with structure of text)! So neat!

I made acc just to ask this question :)

edit2: btw nice skin. I am currently using green version and am very satisfied!

edit3: and happy new year lol

Edit 4: you can just tell me font family name or name of some similar font. I tried searching through my fonts, but don’t have any similar to this. I guess it is some all-caps type, I tried googling for something similar, but couln’t find any font with these capabilities :(  

Edit5: OK no need, I found the one that suits me right  :P
Cheers  ;)  :P  :P

Edit 6: Meowww

Pages: 1