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Topics - MatPy

Pages: 1
Questions / Can't connect to
« on: December 02, 2020, 12:11:07 PM »
Hi there,

I've installed the latest MusicBee version (3.3.7491) on my brand new desktop PC. Unfortunately I can't connect to my account for scrobbling using the built-in sign-in window. My IDs are said incorrect.
I've tried everything I imagine would cause this bug. Check username and password 10 times, restart MB, add rule in Firewall, check status, disconnect MB on my laptop from "connected apps" on website.

Is there any log file where I could get more information about the connection error?
Or does someone know a common solution for this problem?

EDIT: Extra thoughts: is it possible to connect MusicBee on several devices to the same account at the same time (in my case laptop and desktop)?


Developers' Area / Youtube MP3 Downloader in MusicBee?
« on: April 25, 2020, 12:12:01 PM »
Hi there,

I am quite new to MusicBee, using it for 1 month, but I really like this software and I would like to participate to the development of plugins.

My first wish was a Youtube MP3 downloader integrated in MusicBee so I searched in the plugin library and forum. This seems to have been done twice by the past, but the first one has been removed by the author (Cyano) and the second si outdated and does not work with the current Youtube (BeeDownloader). I think there is a need to fill, at least mine.

The features I imagine would be similar to thoses of the python script ytmdl and the "Soundcloud Search" service in MusicBee.
 - An audio extractor from URL (with youtube-dl) with sending to Inbox
 - An optional automatic conversion in MP3 (with Convert Format tool)
 - An auto tagging from Youtube informations (with Auto Tag)

 - An integrated Youtube search (using the search bar)
 - An online audio streaming

I did not investigate the API enough to be sure that everything is possible, so tell me if this is simply impossible to implement. I am new to C# but I set up Visual Studio with the tutorial quite easily and with time I believe I can reach something useful.

With this post I hope for some feedback about the relevance of this plugin or its features, some development advice.
I will also share the progress of the development and the different releases.


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