Author Topic: Songs order inside of a folder  (Read 82 times)


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Hi everyone, i would like to know if there is a way to order the songs inside of a folder by following the order they had in their playlists. So if i create a new folder in the left column side of the screen, and i place 2 playlists inside of it, i get the A-Z ordering for the name of the album by default, but i would like to also order them as they appear in the 2 playlists, so all the songs of the first playlist and then all the songs of the second.
Is there a way to do this?


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Welcome to the forum Fancy,

I don't think that this can be done - the contents of the playlist folder do not act like a playlist but simply a collection of tracks. You can sort them by Artist or Title etc., but you cannot manually sort them as you can a playlist.

I can only suggest creating a third playlist and selecting all the tracks from Playlist 1 and drag them into Playlist 3, then select all the tracks in Playlist 2 and drag them into Playlist 3. (But obviously this won't be updated if you then modify Playlist 1 or 2).