Author Topic: Duplicate filter behaviour  (Read 1790 times)


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Hello. I'm new to the program and currently using 2.5 RC1 in a portable install on a usb flash drive, running on Win 8.1, and I'm in a 'getting to know you' phase.

I've run into a small issue with Playlist behaviour and need some clarification on how MB works in particular regard to the duplicate filter in auto-playlists.

This is the specific situation. I'm testing with a new auto-playlist where the criteria is rating >3.5 (I've left the native 'Top Rated' playlist alone for this).

The playlist results in just one set of duplicates:

Run, Up To Now [Disc 1] - time: 5.04 Rated 4.5
Run, Up To Now [Disc 2] - time: 5.57 Rated 4

Both are ripped to 320 bit MP3.

If I now filter duplicates, MB leaves me with the Disc 2 version. I was, of course, hoping that it would give precedence to the higher rated track Disc 1 by default.

Is there anyway to influence this? Thanks.

Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 03:45:39 PM by plus1


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OK, I've discovered the Duplicate Manager and that's answered most of my own questions.

So, to keep it brief, I'm looking for a way to change the keep file so that it persists without executing as, even when I execute after swapping them about, the order just reverts when restored... (write to ini perhaps)


...for the purpose of specifically removing duplicates 'on the fly' in autoplaylists, a means of setting a ruleset as criteria for what will be filtered/hidden eg "Keep file with the highest rating".

Any feedback is appreciated.


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Updated to 2.5 RC2

Duplicate Manager now shows preferred file as keep file, but autoplaylist duplicate filter still removes it in favour of the file that the duplicate manager now dubs a duplicate.