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Topics - mbfan

Pages: 1
MusicBee Wishlist / Is it posible to embed MiniLyric into MusicBee?
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:29:57 AM »
Hi admins,
In MediaMonkey, there's a script addon that make it possible to embed MiniLyrics itself into the player itself. See screenshot below. The lyrics you see there is actually the Minilyrics window that got embeded into Mediamonkey:

Is it possible to do the same in MusicBee? Is there some kind of extension script that could do this?

MusicBee Wishlist / Wishlist: Inline Search buttons
« on: April 29, 2013, 05:10:37 AM »
Hi MB,

I'd like to request an Inline Search button feature.
In MediaMonkey, this feature is particularly useful to me. Here's what it look like:

The highlighted song has two arrow button on its Artist and Album column. When you click on them, they are essential the search function and list list all the song from those querry.

I know you can right-click and goes to the menus for the same function in MB, but this feature eliminate that and make it quicker to dial into my music library.

I'd like this feature in MusicBee please =) ?

Pages: 1