
Am I right?


Author Topic: Tempo Control SR min value update, add TempoC Profiles, add TempoC SR Hotkeys  (Read 507 times)


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  • Posts: 1
At the moment, tempo control does not allow you to decrease the sample rate below -50%. This is very upsetting. Of course, you can use the play speed on top, BUT this causes terrible loss of quality.
All I have to do is patch it myself. Fortunately, I can do it, but not everyone can do it. This needs to be done out of the box instantly.

DSP: Tempo Control:
1 Change sample rate minimal value to -80%;
2 Add Profiles;

1. "Player: Sample rate Increase (+1%)",
2. "Player: Sample rate Decrease (-1%)",
// We strongly ask you to make exactly 1%. As far as I know, holding for continually increasing - works. There shouldn't be a problem here.


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Welcome to the forum olbld.

It's an interesting first post on the forum, but I'm not sure if the tone of your post is demanding and passionate enough.
Perhaps throw in some capitalisation and font colouring?

"This is very upsetting"
"This needs to be done out of the box INSTANTLY"
"// We STRONGLY ask you to make exactly 1%."

What do you think?

You should probably also explain who you mean by 'We'.
It could strengthen your case even further.