Author Topic: Audiobook File Naming Scheme  (Read 8963 times)


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Didn't see anything relevant. My library has hundreds of books, many in series, I found this naming scheme works well with a library at root level of external drive.*

<Album Artist>\$IsNull(<Grouping>,<Sort Album>,<Grouping>\$IsNull(<Series Issue>,,"Book "$Pad(<Series Issue>,2))$IsNull(<Series Length>," - "," of "$Pad(<Series Length>,2)" - ")<Sort Album>)$If(<Disc Count>>1,", Disc "$Pad(<Disc#>,2)" of "$Pad(<Disc Count>,2),), Part <Track#> of $IsNull(<Track Count>,,$Pad(<Track Count>,2))

 Normal Tags
  Grouping: Series Name
  Album: Book Title
  Title: Chapter Name (if chapters are not named, use numbers or the book title) -- not part of file naming scheme

 Custom Tags
 custom 1: Series Length (the total number of books in a series)
 custom 2: Series Issue (the ordinal designation of the book in the series)
 custom 3: Literary Genre (to avoid confusion with musical genres)
<Album Artist>\ -- Put it in a folder with the Artist's name
$IsNull(<Grouping>,<Sort Album>,  --  If the file is not part of a Series, name the file after the Book
<Grouping>\  -- otherwise, put the file in a folder with the Series Name
$IsNull(<Series Issue>,,"Book "$Pad(<Series Issue>,2))$IsNull(<Series Length>," - "," of "$Pad(<Series Length>,2)" - ")<Sort Album>) -- To keep the books in Issue order, preface the file name with the Book Issue# followed by a hyphen and the Book's name
$If(<Disc Count>>1,", Disc "<Pad(<Disc#>,2)>" of "<Pad(<Disc Count>,2),), Part <Track#> of $IsNull(<Track Count>,,<Pad(<Track Count>,2)>) -- then, add the disc number, if more than one, and label the track number as Part

Best example is from a CD set of the Lord of the Rings
 \Audiobooks\J.R.R. Tolkien\Lord of the Rings\Book 01 of 03 - Fellowship of the Ring, The, Disc 02 of 16, Part 14 of 23
* The extra texts (Book, Disc, and Part) can be removed or abbreviated to shorten file names, if necessary.
Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 08:37:57 AM by LMichaelis


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