Author Topic: Why would the cursor in the left panel margin trigger an Autohide pannel?  (Read 6145 times)


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  • Posts: 23
I have an autohide panel for lyrics that gets shown when some text is clicked.  The autohide panel and the text are in the middle of the main panel. When the lyric panel is hidden and I move the cursor within a approximately 20 pixel margin along the left side of the main panel, the lyric box unhides, but only stays visible while the mouse is in that margin.  The upper and lower boundaries of the mysterious trigger area seem to be the same as the hidden lyric panel.  I do not have any objects in the margin, let alone a mouseover property so I find it very strange.  Why would this happen?

The panel definition:
<!-- Lyrics Panel; goes over the tracks panel -->
<autoHide name="#LyricPanel" xAnchor="Panel.52" x="0" yAnchor="Panel.13" y="0" widthDock="x:Panel.93" width="0" heightDock="y:Panel.73" height="0"  rowPadding="20">
<element type="BackgroundAlbumCover" brightness="0.2" refreshInterval="EndOfTrack"/>
<element type="Lyrics" xAnchor="#LyricPanel.2" x="0" yAnchor="#LyricPanel.4" y="0" widthDock="x:#LyricPanel.90" width="0"  heightDock="y:#LyricPanel.90" height="0" font="Calibri" style="Regular" size="12" fg="200,200,200" />
<!-- hidden text over lyrics to block track triggers -->
  <element type="Text" xAnchor="#LyricPanel.left" x="0" yAnchor="" y="0" widthDock="x:#LyricPanel.right" width="0" heightDock="y:#LyricPanel.bottom" height="0" font="Arial" style="Regular" size="300" fg="0,255,255,255" onClick="OpenAutoHidePanel:#LyricPanel">XX</element>

The trigger definition:
<!-- lyrics trigger, right algned with duration --> 
<element type="Text" xAnchor="Panel.70" x="0" widthDock="x:#duration.right" align="right" width="0" yAnchor="Panel.89.5" y="0" font="Calibri" style="Regular" size="10" fg="245,245,245" mouseOverFg="255,255,0" onClick="OpenAutoHidePanel:#LyricPanel">[Lyrics]</element>