Author Topic: Any tricks to hide elements when an Autohide element is visible?  (Read 4696 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 38
Hello all again, here's another question for all of you MB gurus.

I've made this:  8)

Here's the problem. I have an autohide panel that covers the entire screen for lyrics and etc. When I unhide it, it doesn't cover everything. Album cover is hidden, but text buttons are hidden but remained clickable, and NowPlaying list, Ratings, and ProgressBar remained visible. How do I hide them?

Here's what it looks like:

Here's my autohide panel code:
	<autoHide name="#PivotLyrics" x="0" y="0" widthDock="x:Panel.Right" width="0" heightDock="y:Panel.Bottom" height="0" fillColor="0,0,0" fg="80,80,80" fg2="96,169,23" allowPinning="true" resizePictures="true" disableHotPoint="true" >
<element type="BackgroundAlbumCover" brightness="0" refreshInterval="EndOfTrack"/>
<element type="Block" xAnchor="#PivotLyrics.Left" x="0" yAnchor="#PivotLyrics.Top" y="0" widthDock="x:#PivotLyrics.Right" width="0" heightDock="y:#PivotLyrics.Bottom" height="0" bg="245,0,0,0"/>
<element type="Field" id="Title" xAnchor="Panel.5" x="-10" y="10" widthDock="Panel.90" width="0" font="Segoe UI Semibold" style="Regular" size="12" fg="255,255,255" ></element>
<element type="Field" xAnchor="Panel.5" x="-25" y="50" widthDock="Panel.90" width="0" font="Segoe UI Light" style="Regular" size="48" fg="255,255,255" >
<child fg="128,128,128"> bio queue</child>
<element type="Lyrics" xAnchor="Panel.5" x="-8" y="200" widthDock="Panel.90" width="0" heightDock="Y:#PivotLyrics.Bottom" height="-100" font="Segoe UI" style="Regular" size="12" fg="255,255,255" fg2="255,140,0" ></element>

BONUS QUESTION: Is there a way to convert the song title to all uppercase?

Thanks everyone. 8)