Author Topic: Improving the speed of saving edited files by larger padding?  (Read 504 times)


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I think I have been experiencing that it takes longer to save—large amounts of—files with updated tags.
It is probably a result of my aging system or some issues elsewhere but I know that the size of padding of tags in files can also be an important factor.

Before possibly posing a request to have the padding size enlarged or adjustable, I'd like to learn a bit better how MusicBee currently handles it.
(I am pretty sure this has come up in the past, but I can't recall what was discussed, and I can't find any related posts)

I am guessing that the padding size is already set for files that are imported in MusicBee.
What will trigger MB to set it's own default padding size?
And what are the current sizes? (I am guessing the standard 2k and 8k for respectively id3 and vorbis?)

When will MB set it's own padding size to a file?
Does this only happen when new tags are exceeding the available padding space?

Is it realistic to expect any noticeable improvements in the speed of (bulk) saving files when padding is increased?
(and/or possibly reduces wear of harddrives)