Author Topic: Artwork in Smart Playlists as blank/not blank  (Read 900 times)


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  • Posts: 1
I'm new here so apologies if this subject has been broached before.
I  have 250GB of music files. They are all pedantically formatted Album - Artist - Song.
I use the 'comments' field to carry all my relevant search information.
My comments field contains characteristics like influences, intensity, major instruments, vocal/instrumental, ethnicity, language, dance etc.
Most of my album art and individual track art has been loaded from the album art either embedded or searched.
I'm down to loading individual art and yes there is an Musicbee artwork manager which I haven't thoroughly investigated.

Smart playlists can be used for listening or fault finding.
I would like 'artwork' to be a field in smart playlists with 'blank' or 'not blank' as options.

I started off using Musicmatch, then iTunes, Monkey and then back to iTunes and now Musicbee.
I have found a lot of errors in iTunes, that is, I make changes and they appear OK in iTunes but not in other managers.
I have found a lot of what seems overwritten in Itunes to contain a carriage return character and the new information in Musicbee.
Changes I have made using Musicbee always appear changed when updated.

It would be good when using Smart Playlists to be able to search on ASCII characters not just the visible ones.

If anyone is interested in how I've comprehensively 'rated' my music, I'm happy to reply.


  • Guest
Yes, album artwork manager does the job.

You could use regex option in auto-playlists for searching ASCII characters.