Author Topic: Improvements/features for MusicBee via the new 2.4.13 version of bass.dll?  (Read 2931 times)


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I noticed today at the un4seen site that a major update has just been issued for bass.dll with the summary statement reading:

"Adds built-in WASAPI output on Windows, access to the final output mix for applying DSP/FX/encoding, default output device following support extended to Windows Vista and OSX, seamless playback buffer length changing, volume attribute levels above 1.0 for amplification, logarithmic attribute slides, volume & panning attribute affected level retrieval, a new volume level adjustment FX, decoding channels can be dissociated from a device, asynchronous pre-buffering of internet streams, support for "cue" & "SMPL" RIFF chunks and more MP4 tags, mono downmixing support for all file formats in sample loading, and more..."

This is elaborated on in the readme.txt within the download.  I was wondering if at first read any of these changes open up new avenues for Steven or plugin developers for MusicBee improvements or solving past user issues?