Author Topic: Cannot move the Fields to Right Side..  (Read 4736 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 29
I want to move the Now Playing info over to the right side, in a center aligned manner.
Especially long titles should show the three dots...

I can make the info move to the right, but then the three dots disappear and the text is all over the place.

Ater a lot of trial and errors, i am still missing something.

This is part of the Big Clock Theater Mode...

here's the code.

can you help me?

<element name="#NowPlaying" type="Block" xAnchor="Panel.Left" x="700" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-75" align="Middle.Left" widthDock="Panel.Width.0" width="0" heightDock="Panel.Width.43" height="0" bg="0,0,0,0" />

<element type="Field" id="Title"  widthDock="x:#NowPlaying.0" width="0" yAnchor="#NowPlaying.5" y="5" align="center" font="Roboto Condensed" style="Regular" size="28" fg="240,240,240" mouseOverFg="200,255,200"></element>

8) Get the BIGradientz Theater Mode.  8)


  • Guest
Why not just use the existing #List block instead of creating a new block?

<element type="Field" id="Title" xAnchor="#List.5" x="0" yAnchor="#List.52" y="0" align="center" widthDock="x:#List.95" font="Roboto Condensed" style="Regular" size="28" fg="240,240,240" mouseOverFg="200,255,200"></element>
You could do the same for the time element.


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 29
Why not just use the existing #List block instead of creating a new block?

<element type="Field" id="Title" xAnchor="#List.5" x="0" yAnchor="#List.52" y="0" align="center" widthDock="x:#List.95" font="Roboto Condensed" style="Regular" size="28" fg="240,240,240" mouseOverFg="200,255,200"></element>
You could do the same for the time element.

Thanks a lot!!
that was an exceedingly simple solution to something i spent a few hours over....

for those looking for the final product, you can get the theater mode from:

Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 02:48:28 PM by spandan888
8) Get the BIGradientz Theater Mode.  8)


  • Guest
Looks like I omitted


after widthDock attribute in the example code. It seems it's working fine for now without it (probably because the omitted value is zero) but the syntax is not correct anyway.


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 29
Looks like I omitted


after widthDock attribute in the example code. It seems it's working fine for now without it (probably because the omitted value is zero) but the syntax is not correct anyway.

ohh right, i upadated the file.
8) Get the BIGradientz Theater Mode.  8)