Author Topic: Option for CD Ripping result comment to go directly in a custom tag  (Read 1522 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 66

I thought it would be great if you could have the option for
"the track ripping results to be automatically filled in one of the many custom tag fields"

reason :
I've been ripping a lot of scratched/damaged CDs lately from a relative collection as a service to him
however sometimes even though it completes, it's not always right

for example I got a CD that ripped just fine, (with a bit of difficulty though) but when playing it back the sound came out all garbled
and since I'm not verifying everything, it could go unnoticed. (hey come on! it's already a big service I'm giving him)

This example was pretty clear right away, however I would hazard that it is possible for a ripped track to have a couple of distorded sounds here & there, that you only hear if you listen closely to the whole track, but that afterward once you identified the errors could become annoying to the listener.
A custom tag holding the cd ripping results would therefore help identifying the cause (is it me ? is it my hearing ? is it my audio subsystem ?)
and maybe then act on the source of the issue (ask for a CD replacement to the publisher, buy a new CD, buy the track itself on the web....... )

Just saying.