Author Topic: Re-write tag header  (Read 2249 times)


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Over the course of the years and the use of a whole truckload of different programs, the tags on my music have a lot of extraneous tags that are peculiar and unique to some of those programs, different ID3 version tags, double tags for the same meta data, etc.  It would be nice to have the option to complete wipe the header and re-write the tags clean in ID3v2.3 format.

I'm currently doing this with MP3tag by saving using a tags-to-filename scheme, stripping the tags and then re-writing from filename-to-tag.  It would be nice to be able to clean the header from within MusicBee itself.

I am aware that I can use the tag inspector to delete these extra/non-needed tags one file at a time but would like to be able to do this en masse.