Author Topic: Custom tags effect MD5?  (Read 2401 times)


  • Guest
Hello there,

Been using musicbee for a while now and I've set set up preferences that should make sure MB doesn't touch a file and its hash stays the same. However I've noticed it still changes it. The following is my setup:

And what I do is I edit my own defined custom tags (Edit -> Tab "Tags (2)" -> change any custom tag) and that's it. After this the hash is changed/MB has touched the file, even though it's only supposed to be written in its database.

Am I missing something?


  • Guest
So basically this has been brought up before but to this date no fix has been implemented (and likely won't be). Well that's a real pity, I even have the "don't modify date" setting checked but I suppose that's not it. Well, thank you redwing!


  • Guest
Then try with "Set tags" preset of Additional Tagging Tools plugin when you enter the value to the custom tag to see if that works.


  • Guest
I don't see a "Set Tags" option in my MB and the documentation doesn't mention "Set tags" either:

However if I use "Copy tags" it's all good, no change in md5. But sometimes you just have to go through Edit -> Tags (2) and set values by hand there.. in which case the md5 does change.


  • Guest
As I said, it's one of the presets. Find it from the dialog after running "Advanced search and replace" command.