Author Topic: visibleTrigger="???????"  (Read 1461 times)


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  • Posts: 19
Is there a "visibleTrigger" when stopped?
What I have below is 2 buttons.
A Play button that displays a "play" symbol when paused and a "pause" symbol when playing.
There is also a Stop button, which currently displays a light colored square when playing and a dark colored square when paused or stopped.
What I'm looking to do is, when paused it remains the light colored square, but when stopped displays the dark colored square.

<element type="Icon" image="Images\Better WMP\wm_paused.png" xAnchor="Panel.Center" x="-19" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-95" width="43" onClick="PlayPause" visibleTrigger="Playing"></element>
<element type="Icon" image="Images\Better WMP\wm_playd.png" xAnchor="Panel.Center" x="-19" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-100" width="43" onClick="PlayPause" visibleTrigger="NotPlaying"></element>
<element type="Icon" image="Images\Better WMP\PlayStop.png" xAnchor="Panel.Center" x="-96" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-81" width="14.1" onClick="PlayStop" visibleTrigger="Playing"></element>
<element type="Icon" image="Images\Better WMP\Stop.png" xAnchor="Panel.Center" x="-96" yAnchor="Panel.Bottom" y="-81" width="14.1" onClick="PlayStop" visibleTrigger="NotPlaying"></element>