Author Topic: Is there a way to make Now Playing List scroll?  (Read 1579 times)


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  • Posts: 19
I'm playing around and trying to create a Theater Mode Plugin. I'm interested in adding a Now Playing List, but the ones I've seen only have a set number of tracks. Is there a way to make it scroll, much like in the Now Playing Assistant?
This is the code I'm using:

<element type="NowPlayingList" xAnchor="Panel.Right" x="-400" y="15" width="400" heightDock="Y:Panel.Bottom" height="-50" font="Segoe UI" style="Regular" size="8" fg="255,255,255" fg2="1,255,255" bg="150,10,10,10">
    <child id="#" width="25" format="#\." align="center" />
    <child id="TrackArtistAndTitle" width="175" />
   <child id="Artist" width="175" />
    <child id="Duration" width="35" />