Author Topic: Simple (but advanced) search  (Read 2650 times)


  • Guest
Hi everyone.

New around here and so glad to see a community as freak as I am when it comes to getting music clasified, sorted, grouped, rated...

I'm a Winamp user for years but got tired of not having control of all of my tags and artworks in the same program so I've searched and found this AWESOME player but (there is always a 'but') so far I find the search tool not as good as the rest of the functionalities. I'd like to execute a query just like:

rating >=3 AND (genre CONTAINS rock OR genre CONTAINS reggae) AND year = 2013

I know there is an Advanced Search function but getting that example done that way is not as quite as easy as just writing the query. That's the only thing that's keeping my old player installed.

Hope you can give me a light around here.

Thanks in advanced.


  • Guest
This is how to configure the search:

This is currently supported search operators:

If you want to type complex queries into the search box, post a wishlist item.


  • Guest
Thanks a lot redwing.

 I think I can perform some queries that way (except for rating-based query).

Search operators
When using the search box in MusicBee you can do the following:
- Build OR conditions in the text search using the word or or a plus sign (+) Example: billy + david or harry
- Search for phrases: "billy idol"
- Restrict the field used when searching, example:: artist:M83
- Get similar artists, example:: similar:M83