Author Topic: Add Windows Media Player Plugin to MusicBee's web browser  (Read 8862 times)


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Although MusicBee supports wma streams, sometimes it is more convenient to listen to the web version of some stream, because extra info is added, like "name of the song", "what's next", "related musics", "related links", etc. You can use MusicBee's web browser to listen to the web version of some radios, however it does not include the Windows Media plugin by default. Fortunately, it is easy to add the plugin.
Locate the file  "np-mswmp.dll" which should be in C:\PFiles\Plugins or download it from this official MS website

Copy "np-mswmp.dll" to the folder

<path to musicbee>\MusicBee\XulRunner\plugins

restart musicbee and you're done.